Or at least Friday morning I will be. I'll be off to Maryland to see relatives for the Christmas festivities. Leading up to this I've been poor about new posts. I haven't been able to get stuff together to do a summary on the NYC trip so it will likely have to wait till after the New Year.
So posts will be sparse for the next dozen days or so. I simply have too much to do, and unfortunately this wee hobby of mine has to fall victim to more important priorities for the time being.
So I hope everyone has a good holiday season and a happy new year!!!!
Get some rest, I'd sure like to!
I leave you with will Ferrell caroling. Enjoy.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'll be off....
Posted by
George N. Parks
1:30 AM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
a Very Connery Xmas
For an explanation of this meager posting... see the start of yesterday's post.
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:34 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006
Happy Holidays.... Happy Holidays...
I should have plenty to write about, and I do.. its just that whole time component thing. First off... I've decided that I really want to get my pictures developed before I get into the details about my NYC trip with Kate. We definitely had a blast, although we were tired from a lot of walking and a frantic pace. Sooo look forward to that. As a couple of the pictures will have a "Christmassy" theme, I'll do my best to have them developed ASAP. I may finish the roll of film with some of the locale decor in Beantown... so that all of you who are far away can appreciate what this humble city has to offer in the way of commercialized Christianity.
I'd like to thank Caprio for taking the time to add me as a friend on Myspace. Looks like Caps already had a page!? You are a mysterious mysterious man Mike.
Christmas on the airwaves and the whole Political Correctness Fiasco
One snippet of my trip with Kate that I'll touch upon today was our car ride. No complaints on traffic, getting to White Plains from Boston was a breeze. The item of importance had to do with the radio. I hadn't had time to make mix cds like I wanted to and so rather than go through the dozen or so cds I had in the car we did something I seldom do. We listened to the radio. The shocker, well, the shocker to me at least was the level of Christmas music on all of the stations. As I am blessed not to have to work in a place with piped in music, I definitely enjoyed hearing the Bing Crosby, Mel Torme and the Ronnettes amongst others sing those warm mushy songs so many of us love. I've found that just several years ago, it used to be difficult to find holiday music, in fact I recall some of the rock stations pledging NOT to play Christmas songs. I think there definitely has been a shift in sentiment and a thirst for old fashioned romanticism of the holidays. I wonder if this is subject to our increased vulnerability in a post 911 world? Is it a passive display of solidarity in Christian roots?
The article that got me going: Play a song of Christmas, over and over and over
I know many on the far right are screaming lately about the secularists trying to remove Christ from Christmas. I honestly don't see what the big deal is about the government calling the season "The holiday" instead of Christmas, and why everyone is making a big stink out of it. Stores on the other hand are private institutions and should have the right to do whatever they want regarding their use of the holidays. If you don't like stores that refuse to say "Christmas" don't shop there. Likewise, if you are SOOO touchy that you feel the need for your minority religion to have representation in stores, only shop at ones that do. Personally I don't care either way and I think the whole argument is completely stupid and an enormous waste of energy.
It is nothing more than a bunch of folks with inferiority complexes... anyway, that's how I see it.
Happy Festivus, you filthy animals..... (the airing of grievances)
Posted by
George N. Parks
9:40 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Holy crap here comes Jesus....
And he doesn't look to happy... Everyone sing along!
Sooo.... One last bit o fun before I go. I Axed the old Friendster link, and along with it my account there. Instead please check out my "Myspace" page. Yet another amusing way to waste quality time where productive things could be done.
If so inclined please sign up and be a "real" friend of mine. Charles Darwin & that dude from the Daily show aren't particurally talkative. ;)
I think if we set our mind to we can take over myspace.... AND THEN THE UNIVERSE muhahahahahaaa!!!
Enjoy this holiday cheer.
Posted by
George N. Parks
7:42 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Off on Vacation
I'm going to NYC for a long weekend with Kate, and I won't be returning until Sunday night. So anticipate the return of the blog probably next Tuesday. I'll take pictures and hopefully have some good stories to share.
Sending me off.... Here's Ole Blue Eyes singing the NYC anthem we all know.
Try to ignore the little remark about the Evil Empire before he begins his song and dance.
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:03 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
Viral Vid- Salemart
That's all I got.... Enjoy, & happy shopping.
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:21 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
The fears of feeble faith
Personal freedom, and independent thought are under attack. It is under attack by an increasingly fundamentalist Islamic population which is one of the fastest growing. It is under attack by an increasingly fundamentalist Christian population in the southern U.S. It is under attack in Europe as intolerance feeds more intolerance by the opposition. (Think cartoons and plays involving Mohammad & Islam; think "banning" head dresses and veils). This all stems from the ludicrous idea that one publisher of faith, apparently uses a better type face or something. One prophecy is real, one isn't. One interpretation is real one isn't. All of this is apparently much more important than peaceful coexistence... and those basic principals... don't kill, don't steal, treat other people as you would want to be treated, that all comes second to what you call the spirit you pray to, or what you take solace in. Everyone else is a threat or a devil.
Now perhaps, just perhaps I'm totally off base, but win you imply that your faith denotes others of a different faith as inferior, aren't you making an assumption on how God or Allah thinks? When you "bless" your armies to fight in wars, aren't you taking the lord's name in vain? When you wage a conflict for a faith... for an ideology, shouldn't this, I mean doesn't this break the rule? Other than self defense how can you justify it? And even then, wouldn't claiming "God" wills your victory once again be breaking this rule? Aren't people REALLY just using their "faith" as a means to quench their thirsts for power? Again.....?"You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the
LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name."
This commandment prohibits not just swearing but the misappropriation of religious language in order to commit a crime, participating in occult practices, and blaspheming against places or people that are holy to God
To a lesser degree, but none the less, a symptom of religious insecurity see below:
The following is an excerpt from the link below:
- In 1609, based on information from Holland, he built a telescope.
- What he saw made the Catholic Church… “grumpy.”
- He found “mountains” on the moon.“But God put it there, it should be perfect,” said the Church.
- Discovered four of Jupiter’s moons.“But everything is supposed to orbit us on Earth, because God put us at the centre,” said the Church.
- He looked at the sun (not a good idea) and saw “sun spots,” areas where the sun appears blotchy.“But God created the sun, so it’s perfect,” said the Church.
- He supported the Copernican theory that the Sun is at the centre, not the Earth.“Alright, enough’s enough, Galileo! You’re in trouble!” said the Church.
In 1633 the Inquisition (sort of like a Catholic Church courtroom trial) forced him to renounce (abjure) his theories
- As punishment he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.
It is claimed (but often disputed) that as Galileo stood up from his recanting, he uttered "Eppur si muove" which is Latin for "And yet it moves".
This is a reference to his belief that the Earth was not the centre of the universe. - In 1979 Pope John Paul II called for Galileo’s conviction to be annulled. (what a swell guy that John Paul was! A little late, but I suppose its the thought that counts.)
- Finally in 1992, after looking at the legal issues involved, Galileo’s conviction was reversed.
This post is not intended to single out Catholicism as being intolerant of new ways of thinking (science basically). Rather I selected it with the intent of looking at an example among many when the fears of those weak in their own convictions let rational thought shake the ground they stand on. Rather than embracing "science" as the beauty that a higher power created, religious organizations tend to give into fear and promote hatred towards those who embrace science. Science is immoral, or it it heresy. It is easier for them to claim that texts (written by man) were directly inspired by God (going back to that commandment again) than to see them for the stories of moral guidance that they are, most of them still relevant in a world that is far removed from the time in which they were created.
Perhaps in 400 years they'll be willing to forgive today's scientific advances, maybe Darwin? In a free society it is difficult to pull the wool over every one's eyes because eventually evidence catches up with you.
Returning to my initial topic, the most fundamentalist believers (or those who claim to be) don't believe in personal freedom. (Oddly both Islam, and Christianity use freedom and free will as general principles in their doctrines). I suppose it is difficult to keep a flock of sheep in line without some baring of teeth and some barking.
I fear the new rise of fundamentalism (across the globe) could turn much of the progress humankind has made backwards. Perhaps the second dark ages are upon us..... a time of true faith and devotion, or a time of intolerance and fascism? I guess it will all depend who's side you are on. My Western Civilization Professor at Saint Joseph's College, who was a tough as nails nun, seemed to think the middle ages were a time of great enlightenment and progress. I had a tough time stomaching it.... or ignoring what history books said, and I got a C. (darn convictions)
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:45 PM