Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy Holidays.... Happy Holidays...

This Just in: George Parks whines about a lack of time, as though he is the only person in the World who is busy.

I should have plenty to write about, and I do.. its just that whole time component thing. First off... I've decided that I really want to get my pictures developed before I get into the details about my NYC trip with Kate. We definitely had a blast, although we were tired from a lot of walking and a frantic pace. Sooo look forward to that. As a couple of the pictures will have a "Christmassy" theme, I'll do my best to have them developed ASAP. I may finish the roll of film with some of the locale decor in Beantown... so that all of you who are far away can appreciate what this humble city has to offer in the way of commercialized Christianity.

I'd like to thank Caprio for taking the time to add me as a friend on Myspace. Looks like Caps already had a page!? You are a mysterious mysterious man Mike.

Christmas on the airwaves and the whole Political Correctness Fiasco

One snippet of my trip with Kate that I'll touch upon today was our car ride. No complaints on traffic, getting to White Plains from Boston was a breeze. The item of importance had to do with the radio. I hadn't had time to make mix cds like I wanted to and so rather than go through the dozen or so cds I had in the car we did something I seldom do. We listened to the radio. The shocker, well, the shocker to me at least was the level of Christmas music on all of the stations. As I am blessed not to have to work in a place with piped in music, I definitely enjoyed hearing the Bing Crosby, Mel Torme and the Ronnettes amongst others sing those warm mushy songs so many of us love. I've found that just several years ago, it used to be difficult to find holiday music, in fact I recall some of the rock stations pledging NOT to play Christmas songs. I think there definitely has been a shift in sentiment and a thirst for old fashioned romanticism of the holidays. I wonder if this is subject to our increased vulnerability in a post 911 world? Is it a passive display of solidarity in Christian roots?

The article that got me going: Play a song of Christmas, over and over and over

I know many on the far right are screaming lately about the secularists trying to remove Christ from Christmas. I honestly don't see what the big deal is about the government calling the season "The holiday" instead of Christmas, and why everyone is making a big stink out of it. Stores on the other hand are private institutions and should have the right to do whatever they want regarding their use of the holidays. If you don't like stores that refuse to say "Christmas" don't shop there. Likewise, if you are SOOO touchy that you feel the need for your minority religion to have representation in stores, only shop at ones that do. Personally I don't care either way and I think the whole argument is completely stupid and an enormous waste of energy.

It is nothing more than a bunch of folks with inferiority complexes... anyway, that's how I see it.

Happy Festivus, you filthy animals..... (the airing of grievances)


Anonymous said...

George - don't you mean the pictures will have a "Holiday" theme?

- Tim

George N. Parks said...

I don't work for the government so how I advertise the city's "holiday" decorations is left to my own free will.

Its all the same to me either way.

Like I said.. the whole thing is ridiculous.

The solution is simple... the government should call them "Holiday" decorations... and let menorahs be put up as well (they usually are now anyway!) everyone else can go on calling the lights and trees Christmas decor.

But instead we'll have this "maddening" argument about a word that will last until the day I die, and well beyond that.

If people really want to have this argument, really the only decisively RIGHT solution would be to remove all government funded decorations. No more religious quarreling over how tax payer money is spent, and no more needless wasting of energy on lights. Leave it up to the private sector to decorate. This draconian solution isn't necessary... however it would be fair. If everyone wants to act like a bunch of kids, perhaps they should be treated as such.

I'd be an unpopular but effective dictator... until someone assinates me.