Sunday, June 07, 2009

June, a week gone by already!

I had a very nice weekend, despite spending part of it at work on Saturday. I had Indian buffet for lunch and that sort of helped to make up for it. Saturday night Kate and I had a great summer feast of cheeseburgers, corn on the cob, and potato salad- as close to the way my Mom makes it as I can manage. I even soaked some sliced cucumbers in vinegar, a family favorite.

Kate and I watched "Into the Wild" which was a pretty good film based on the true story of a misguided youth who embarks on a unusual method of dealing with baggage he carries because of a tumultuous family life.

Saturday Kate and I went biking around the Middlesex Fells Reservation. The weather was gorgeous and I think we both had a pretty good time. We saw a large toad scrambling up an embankment, unfortunately I did not think to take a picture.

It should be an early day for me at work tomorrow, and I plan to bike in too so I'm going to cut this short.

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