Thursday, July 26, 2012

Barcelona, our first full day begins...

 La rambala!!!!! So this is a crazy crazy street through Barcelona where the street performers put American street performers to shame.. and you are always marginally worried you'll be pick-pocketed. Really its chaos, supper busy, and it is fantastic. We started our day here and the pictures don't do it too much justice. Rambla comes from the Spanish and Catalan word Ramla meaning water flow. Back in the day it was an open sewer. It has come a long way to become one of the most famous streets in the world.
 Below are several photos from Boqueria Market Barcelona. The Market represented an extension of the chaos of the street. Very busy it used to be the market to go to for food in Barcelona, however it has become more of a tourist attraction over time... but I mighty fine one, that can fool people into thinking that they are seeing something authentic.

 Mmmmmm Seafood! Kate would have been making a face.
 To finish this rather simplistic post of our morning being Ramblistas... Me with a Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee.... Yeah baby! Coffee Americana as they called it... oh did it ever hit the spot. I do like European coffee... its really nice, thick, tasty... but it was warm, and I was sooooo in need of this guilty pleasure. They made it all wrong, but it was still good anyway (hot coffee poured over ice). Stay tuned as we continue our exploration!

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