Saturday night I cooked some barbecue chicken on the George Foreman grill and made potato salad and had corn on the cob. Kate let me know that while she like my potato salad, my mother's was better. I told Mom this and she of course was flattered and quite pleased.
I managed to discover a hidden gem of a state park that is practically right in my back yard. I passed by it countless times but never really paid it much heed. Friday night I finally got around to Googling "Breakheart Reservation"
and I was really excited to hear about many hiking trails and a place to go swimming. I've been complaining to Kate for a couple years that I missed having a swimming hole to cool off in. Of course, low and behold, here is one that has been right under my nose the whole time. Well... I definitely plan on enjoying it while I'm still living in Melrose.
I decided on a whim to surprise Kate with plans to go to Breakheart for a picnic on Sunday. I bought all the ingredients for Maine Ham Italian sandwiches and ran it by her when she arrive Saturday night. Kate was up for it so in the morning we made
our sandwiches, packed some left over potato salad, and put a couple of Diet cokes in Kate's backpack. (I offered to bring my back pack but Kate insisted that we could use hers.) The day was a great success, my only regret was not bringing my bathing suit.
There are some decent sized hills in the park to climb up. The photo to the left shows the beach from the top of "Eagle Rock". The next photo is looking southeast towards the Boston skyline which you can see if you look just above the tree-line.
After the game is done, I'll probably work on the next Germany day in my nice air conditioned room. Ahhhhhh. It is a good life ;)
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