Monday, March 12, 2007

Random Crap I've put together for Monday Night's Post

Poll: Giuliani leads the GOP pack: Sorry McCain, you just aren't going to win the New Hampshire Primary this time around. As for the south, where Bush won as he needed to, think Romney. I'm hoping Giuliani has a remote chance. If he can turn Ed Koch's NYC around, just think what he might be capable of on a National scale. He's my last hope.... but as I was saying the other day, just about any of these candidates for either party will be better than Bush. Ok maybe not Dennis Kucinich.

I watched the Rich's tonight on FX. I don't get into hour long dramas as a rule, but I like the previews and the reviews and decided to give it a whirl. I'm intrigued, it was entertaining, and it had an excellent sound track. So... sure, I think I'll watch the next installment at Mondays at 10:00pm. I can do that, it pretty much doesn't interfere with anything! Imagine that.

Jenna Bush book topic: Single mother with HIV: Bravo Jenna! Sounds like it will be interesting and that it will be very rewarding. I think it is pretty impressive really, I look forward to watching her future unfold. Alright Barbara... sis is totally making you look bad, of course, you do have the better looks so I guess you can't have it all.

Somehow I was stupid enough to miss the Red Sox/ Yankees game tonight. I was looking forward to it earlier today, got home and did some errands and completely spaced out. Sheesh...
Anyway, all went well regardless. Red Sox top Yankees

On a related note I purchased my first ticket to a Sox game this year on the evening of the 24th. I think we are playing Toronto. There are no pairs left at all for any of the games. I figure I'll get some scalped, standing room only, or Craigslist tickets when I go with accompaniment this season. Last year I totally missed the boat except for the game I saw in Tampa near the start of the Season. Determined not to repeat this occurrence I decided to go out on a limb and get a ticket. I'd like to go several times this year, although I'll probably check out standing room only. So far I haven't seen these tickets on sale, perhaps they will only be selling them the day of the game?

Well Enjoy Tuesday.

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