Monday, July 30, 2007
Gobble Gobble...
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:33 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I still didn't get my oil changed....
That was my goal today, and I failed miserably at it. Bed was waaaay too comfortable this morning, and since I usually do not get the sleep I need during the week I ended up playing catch up. The afternoon brought thunderstorms and I read a bit. Eventually I headed out and bought myself some of Domino's hot wings and cheesy bread. I managed to keep the Tabasco sauce off of my testicles, something I've had a problem with in the past. (FYI: Wash your hands after eating hot wings)
While consuming my food, I watched "The Last Detail" (1973) starring Jack Nicholson, Otis Young, and a very young looking Randy Quaid. The years haven't been kind to Quaid. Over the past 20 years he is usually type cast as the dumpy weird middle aged father, most famously in the National Lampoon's vacation series. In "The Last Detail" he plays a green Navy boy, only 18 who has been caught stealing from a charity collection. He is almost unrecognizable resembling Brendan Fraser more than he does Cousin Eddie. Quaid is a kleptomaniac and steals on impulse, regardless of whether he actually needs what he is taking. He has unfairly been given a rather harsh punishment of 8 years in military prison in Portsmouth New Hampshire. It is the duty of Nicholson and Young to transport Quaid from Norfolk to Portsmouth in which they are granted 5 days to do so. Instead of promptly bringing Quaid to Portsmouth, Nicholson and Young (primarily Nicholson) take pity on Quaid and decide to show him a good time in his remaining days of freedom. Nicholson is a self proclaimed "bad ass" and is always the center of attention in every shot he's in. I found the tale to be very amusing, laughing at the debauchery, the chanting, consumption of Shlitz, and Nicholson's proclamation that Heineken is the world's finest beer..(The choice of JFK he says). Well compared to Shlitz.....
The Simpsons on Friday was great... I looked on myspace to try to find the "Spider Pig" song to use on my page but was unsuccessful thus far. Caprio joked at the end of the film "Let's go see the 12:00 showing!" As they say there is usually truth embedded in many jokes. When Jason and I got back to my car it smelled like a corpse inside. Jason and I went to a dive sit-down Chinese place called "Panda Castle" in the Maplewood neighborhood of Malden, which was enroute to the Revere theater. I've got to admit they made a fine beef Teriyaki stick, although their hot and sour soup was on the bland side. Anyway... he took his left-overs and kept them in the car. I thought perhaps his rice and chicken would be OK... but his wonton soup, NO WAY! So when we got back (as I said already) the car smelled like cat urine and feces or death, or just something along that line. I hope he didn't eat it..... I told him it wouldn't last, but hey what do I know... I'm just a scientist.
Anyhow... I sit here typing away, and I could potentially write much more, but alas, I think I'll head off to bed. I want to wash my car tomorrow (something I wanted to do today). I may just go buy a couple of fetching polo-golf shirts so I can look more like a yuppie, and maybe... just maybe finally purchase the digital camera I've been dreaming of getting.
Posted by
George N. Parks
1:51 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Simpsons

Posted by
George N. Parks
11:02 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
In the absence of a real post (I must finish Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows)... a montage of Adam West clips from Family guy:
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:55 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Old Standards and Owls

Posted by
George N. Parks
11:15 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Upstate NY, a wedding, and some NYC pics from last winter.
Adam suggested a small motel to Kate. The rooms were great, and at a price of $75 you couldn't go wrong. The bathrooms were old fashioned, however very clean, and the bed was comfortable. The owners are evangelicals and the office was filled with pamphlets advertising salvation, churches, becoming "Newborn" and various other propaganda. The walls were covered with "God-Themed" posters, crosses, and signs reminding us of all the rules to the room, just in case we forget. The woman told me I couldn't smoke in the rooms no less than three times before we bade her goodbye. See the sign of the motel which I snapped a picture of. I wanted to take a picture of the office however, that seemed like a bad idea. Aside from the Gideon bible placed on top of the end table rather than inside, the decor of the office did not parlay into our room itself.

Posted by
George N. Parks
11:29 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My response to Yesterday's Comment
First off... I apologize for anyone I may have offended. However, it is fundamentalism, not Catholics, that I am critical of.
I do admit, I repeatedly tout my distaste for major organized religion. I don't like government, unnecessary structure, or people telling me how to think.
My admonishment of the Pope, Some Catholic priests, clergy, corruption, association with organized crime, using the lower class, blocking contraception and AIDS prevention in 3rd world nations... these things are going to continue. Do I think any of my good Catholic friends are directly responsible by association? No I do not. I recognize and respect that Catholicism is a faith that provides solace and a sense of community. I am at times envious of the devout.
That being said... fundamentalism is a universal term. We've been through this before.
I did not compare Catholicism directly to Islam. You need to re-think your accusation. Fundamentalism is the word... and it spans faiths. It is blind faith and allegiance to doctrine as though it were literal truth, rather than philosophical lessons. Belief in the words as literal truth (that have been repeatedly re-interpreted to serve various political factions), rather than the lessons of faith is what causes aberrant behavior by radicals. This is on the rise in all major religions... that is a statistic, not a comparison. This has happened prior to all periods of world history when great battles have been waged, and as they say history repeats.
The mere indication that I touch a nerve here is why I find statements like "We are the only path to salvation" problematic. It creates unnecessary division.
Bottom line is Benedict is trying to scare people or he is trying to offend people, more than likely both, and this isn't very Christian if you ask me. Catholicism is only picking up measurable amounts of parishioners in 3rd world nations and people who are low income or below the poverty line. The rhetoric of the Pope certainly isn't going to turn the tide. If I were still amongst the practicing Catholic ranks, I think I'd be even more upset with the Pope's remarks than I am as a bystander. Ultimately an inability to adjust will make the orginization obsolete, save another "Dark Ages" which isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility.
You are right this is traditional Catholic doctrine. And simply put, I have a problem with anyone who goes around broadcasting their superiority. Today's world climate can't afford such rhetoric... Christians and even secularists should be preaching unity against the radical Islamic threat. Prioritization must be made.
My tendency to be a little anti-establishment shouldn't be a big surprise anymore. As someone who never quite "fit in" in those formative years, it is the foundation of my very being.
Just shake your head about what a sad lost mislead man I am, try not to take it personally, (It definitely is not meant to be) and I'll continue to be confident and content, basically have faith in my own existence.
Posted by
George N. Parks
1:21 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
You're all evil... EVIL!!!!!! unless pay your tithe.
"In three controversial Wednesday Audiences, Pope John Paul II pointed out that the essential characteristic of heaven, hell or purgatory is that they are states of being of a spirit (angel/demon) or human soul, rather than places, as commonly perceived and represented in human language."
Secondly there was a poorly used literary reference which can be seen as divisive and insulting in a very hostile world climate:
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." (Click link for additional information)
Vatican: Non-Catholics 'wounded' by not recognizing pope
Story Highlights
-The Vatican says other churches are not full churches
-The view is likely to further complicate relations with Protestants
-This is the pope's second strong reaffirmation of Catholic tradition in four days
-A decree on Saturday restored the old Latin Mass alongside modern liturgy
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:26 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Weekend... politics...yada, yada, yada...
Cindy Sheehan considering run against Pelosi
First the article/news:
Senator sorry after number appears on D.C. Madam's list
Off of David Vitter's web page:
Life & Values
Former colleague: Thompson worked for abortion rights group
Meeting minutes
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:12 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The 4th
Today Kate and I were in Maine visiting my family and friends. My long time friend, Jason Chaloux was having a going away gathering as he is leaving for a tour of duty in Iraq tomorrow. Jason will be stationed in Ramadi for slightly over a year serving as military police. My thoughts will be with him over the next year, and I'm thankful for his service to our Nation.
Despite various political reservations I have about the war, we have a duty to the people of Iraq. The United States has a duty to establish and preserve the peace. It takes people of great character and strength to make the sacrifice to contribute to such a monumental task. We are lucky to have people like Jason who are willing to make these choices. I'll be looking forward to hearing from him over his service and for a welcoming party in Sabattus to celebrate his safe return.
After I walked Kate to the Subway when I arrived in Melrose, I returned to my apartment and watched the Pops celebrate the 4th in Boston. It made me feel nostalgic for the many 4th of July experiences I've had in the past, from the Mall in Washington D.C., to the mountain air of Laramie Wyoming, and presently to Boston where I've been so lucky to live nearby these past several years. The memories are all priceless. I'll cherish every one of them for as long as I am able.
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:15 PM
Monday, July 02, 2007
Sad, but fun...
I was surfing You Tube and I stumbled across some Jay-walk All stars clips. I thought I would share. This first one has two teachers, one who did not know the address of the White House, another who didn't know how many sides the pentagon has. NICE....
It's Patriotic.... Right?
A Jewish country in the Middle East... anyone? Anyone?
Of course it seemed that the NBC censors clamped down on the distribution of Jaywalking and ultimately I of course stumbled upon some "Family Guy".
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:27 PM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Divided court rejects school diversity plans
Story Highlights
- Court tosses out public school choice plans that consider race
- The 5-4 ruling rejected programs in Louisville, Kentucky, and Seattle, Washington
- Chief Justice John Roberts wrote opinion for conservative majority
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:53 PM