At last after what.... 8, 9 years? Several of which were spent being "friends" and for the latter half of the relationship they were officially a couple. Tim Hayes and Brandy Rogers are finally married. For those of you that don't know them, they are friends of mine through Saint Joseph's College where I went before the University of Wyoming.
The Wedding Party: For Brandy, her sister Ryan served as the Maid of honor, Melissa (Roope) Maurais was the Matron of Honor, and Bridesmaids were Jill Dalfior, a high school friend of Brandy's and Jennifer Hayes, Tim's Sister.
Tim's best man was his brother Steve. His Groomsmen were his brother Chris, Nate Maurais, and John Madden.
Rev. John Tokaz, who Saint Josephs students know as "Father John" served as the Officiant. He gave a great sermon, conducting much of it in a Gregorian Chant style. His homily I found to be really powerful. I'm often troubled by a world that I find to be deeply selfish and cavalier. Father John's words echoed many of my own personal beliefs of what I think married life should be like. Beyond this... I think we are often too selfish even outside of our personal lives. People should pay more attention to the world around them, they should try to understand how others are feeling. These are small steps although they can seem difficult.... if everyone just did a little more listening and a little less complaining, there would be a lot of changes.

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