Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Intermission part deux

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

I know, the way my posts have been you probably saw this puppy coming from a mile away. Anyhow... after some involuntary napping tonight, I've come to the decision to put off the NYC part three post (Coney Island) for another day.

White House calls Clinton ad 'outrageous'

For your viewing pleasure here is Hillary's first campaign ad which she has come under some heavy criticism for. Her attack on the current administration seems a bit below the belt. (Considering how EASY it should be to effectively criticize the Bush administration..... without being divisive... well that is saying something). This sort of behavior, quite frankly, vindicates the "right wing conspiracy" type of critic who has been saying Hillary is polarizing and radical. Read the article on CNN about Hillary's response to the criticism... it makes it seem even more incredible. (You think she may have picked up on the effectiveness of Cindy Sheehan (or lack there-of), but apparently not).

Have a wild Wednesday.

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