Thompson drones on like the animated corpse he is... but makes sense in the process. In fact his answer is actually so long (uncharacteristic for him from what I've seen) I think Romney forgot what the question was when he had to follow up. I tend to like candidates that actually pay attention during a debate, but perhaps I'm crazy.
In this one I believe the question comes from someone who isn't a fundamentalist due to his sarcastic tone... "Do you believe every word of the bible?" While I agree with Giuliani's answer the best, Huckabee (The Minister) also came off strong and sensible. Who would have guessed. Romney's head almost exploded as he struggled to answer it.
Its the economy stupid... namely the National debt.. weighing us down, destroying the value of the dollar. McCain was feisty! I really liked the suggestion to reveal the names of representatives attached to pork spending in press briefings. It will be a cold day in hell when it happens. Romney's answer was weak and confused, he starts by agreeing with McCain... and then he brings up his Mass health care plan as an example of fiscal responsibility. The same Massachusetts health care plan that Hillary has praised, adopted as her own, mandates health care with tax penalties, and is already over budget in it's first year. Imagine that? Giuliani gave the best answer. It was filled with statistics and was based on innovation, something lacking in most of these candidates.
This was my first Republican Primary debate for this election process. It was hyped to be an interesting one since the dates for the first couple of primaries are drawing near. I think I'm going to have to watch the Democrats next debate just to be fair and balanced.
As you can see I'm routing against Romney... I could even be forced to vote for Hillary (excuse me while I choke on vomit) If he ends up being the GOP candidate. Of course Giuliani is the only one I like... It would take a lot of internalizing and inner conflict to get myself to vote for one of the others. I refuse to vote for Romney..... well maybe if he ran against Kucinich ;)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Questions from the GOP debate
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:16 PM
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No matter what you do, please don't vote for Hillary. Her talk about wealth redistribution is scary. I'm no big Romney fan either ... I think he'll just do whatever he needs to to get elected. But I'd take him over Hillary. I don't like Huckabee's stand on immigration and taxes while he was AK gov (I think he's a wolf in sheep's clothing). The others? Who the heck knows. I want to have a good idea of the type of judges they'll appoint (constructionist, I would hope), but it's hard to be confident with any of them. - Hayes
Watching/listening the debates leaves me feeling nauseated. I just don't know who to trust! McCain is the only person who represents any sort of conviction; the rest, with maybe the exception going to Giuliani, would seemingly say or do anything to get noticed, let alone elected.
These debates are farcical and flawed. It's a shame that these over-produced, commercialized, corporate-sponsored games of tag actually hold water with the American public.
Well... their ratings (the debates) suggest that they don't hold that much water.
The candidates are farcical and flawed so how can we expect anything else? But all the same.... they represent a major component of the process.. and it does offer some sort of window into their views, even if it is rose colored glass or like peering through a kaliedescope.
I don't like Bush, and honestly I think Romney will be more of the same or worse... plus he supports universal healthcare and patent reform.
Hillary's social issues are closer to my own views. I also think she'd probably handle immigration better than Romney. I separate with her on issues of economics and the role of government... but compared to the rest of the democrats she's pretty moderate. I don't really think it is an act either, because like Bill, all she cares about is power. She is a very sharp woman and gets that the middle ground is the more practical way to bring about change.
Honestly I don't know what to think about Romney's views... because I don't know what they are, and neither does he. He's had quite a few questionable blunders as well. I also think he is every bit as dirty of a politician as Hillary. I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind the Giuliani "abuse of security" story which is nothing more than an attempt to drag attention to his personal life and "character", as the security use was legit. It reminds me a bit of the mudslinging that Jane Swift took when Romney decided he had political aspirations.
I was a republican 7 years ago because I believed in fiscal conservatism... if you take those things out of the equation, and I believe that is the case with Romney... than there is no reason for me to support such a candidate.
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