Bush does an about face from the fiscal conservatism expressed in the State of the Union. To suggest that he didn't already know that his #s would vastly misrepresent the actual values is ludicrous. His speech was a bold lie. The first 3 Trillion dollar budget ever... that isn't conservative. It isn't even sane. And you know, it will end up being 3.5 trillion by the time the Democrats get through with it. No redemption for W. He is the worst president of my lifetime, and arguably the past 50 years. Why on earth people would want to elect a Hillary or a Romney after this, which will be more of the same, only worse.... IS BEYOND ME. The American dollar is on the verge of collapsing and they would have us add the largest bureaucracy in the history of our government, to an already dysfunctional system.
Bush sends Congress $3.1 trillion budget
"Bush projects that the deficits, which had been declining, will soar to near-record levels, hitting $410 billion this year and $407 billion in 2009."
Possibly one of the lousiest U.S. presidents of all time.
I used to think Carter was worse, but honestly he actually had ideas. Bush does nothing but make an already bad situation worse.
National Energy Program Fact Sheet on the President's Program. (Jimmy Carter)
Monday, February 04, 2008
Pulling the wool over our eyes....
Posted by
George N. Parks
8:01 PM
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Hey George - I think most presidential historians would tell you Carter was in many ways worse than Bush. He was a disaster in foreign affairs (I kno wwhat you're going to say about Bush, but look at how Carter handled Iran) and presided over an economy that experienced double-digit inflation. The housing situation is not good now (I don't have much sympathy for people who got themselves into loans they could never afford in the first place), but can you imagine a mortgage at 18, 19, 20%? I'm not really defending Bush so much, because he drives me crazy too, but just making the point that Carter was a REALLY, REALLY bad President.
So are you a McCainiac now? Where do you feel he is different than Hillary?
- Hayes
I just got back from casting my meaningless vote for McCain.
Sounds like someone is getting brainwashed by talk radio... yes, no, maybe?
McCain different than Hillary?
He's even different on a certain issue that you favor and I don't!!
Just because they are amicable doesn't mean they think alike! You have to work with the otherside or NOTHING gets done.
For Christ's sake! (excuse my french)
Carter's foreign policy blunders didn't lay the groundwork for WWIII (or start it for that matter)and historians often say that the hostages who were released weeks into the Reagan Presidency, were due to Carter as opposed to Reagan. Not to take credit from Reagan... I do believe he was one of our best presidents for his foreign policy & his candor with the American public. And Supply side still lives on with even Democrats (the Clintons) paying it respect (despite their denial).
Bush has destroyed the American dollar..... although it has been a build up of NAFTA finally doing its damage as well as his absurd borrowing.
When Bush's credit card fiscal policy REALLY starts catching up with us, things are going to be abyssmal. It will be the end of our superpower status, if that isn't already gone.
I have a theory on Coulter and Limbaugh and Liddy and Savage and well the list goes on....
I think they want a Democrat president, because it will only boost their ratings.
If you vote for Romney it is essentially a vote for Hillary. He designed her healthcare plan THE BIGGEST THREAT TO OUR ECONOMY AND OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES. the Immigration, and foreign policy issues aren't as important as fighting this. Besides Romney's Immigration plan is ridiculous and unrealistic, and he's a hypocrite for saying any of it. Of course everything he says is pretty much a lie anyway. I just DON'T GET IT. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND how anyone will a conscience could vote for the guy. His ethics are revolting, and he is a power hungry monster. He will make Bush look like a walk in the park. We'll remember the fond days of W's presidency if Romney some how manages to get elected.
If Romney is the candidate he won't get elected because he will not have the 40% of the hispanic vote that got Bush elected. In fact if Romney is the candidate... or Huckabee for that matter, I predict not only a landslide Barack or Hillary victory, but an even greater turn over in the GOP in our legislature who will be replaced by democrats. Hispanics who have never voted will show up in droves to oppose him.
Why do people say things like "you're getting brainwashed by talk radio" ... geez.
OK, they differ on Iraq, - that's a checkmark in McCain's column. To me they are the same on immigration - don't you think McCain will move more to the center/left on this in the general? I do.
I don't know that honesty is neccessarily McCain's strong suit - he "brainwashed" people into thinking that it is with this "Straight Talk Express" stuff, but does no one recall the Keating 5? I don't trust the honesty of ANY of these candidates - do you?
As far as taxes go - his recent history is to oppose them. I know, I know, he says he oppossed them because there weren't spending cuts to go along with them. OK, I agree with him that Bush's spending is OUT OF CONTROL. So this makes him a little bit different than Hillary in that she is much more likely to do him one better and to raise taxes to keep up with spending. But I don't see McCain as a tax-cutter. I think Romney is more likely to try to impliment strong tax/spedning cuts. Maybe I'm way wrong on that, that's just how I see it. (On a side note, I find it hard to believe that Romney keeps losing out on the economy to McCain ... a terrible sign for Mitt)
The biggest thing for me is trying to get a sense of what kind of judges McCain would appoint to the bench. I don't think they would be as strongly constructionist as the ones Romney might appoint (or Huckabee, for that matter). Again, you never know - it kind of all depends on what kind of appetite the Congress will have for tolerating so-called conservative appointees. But if W could get an Alito confirmed ...
To me this is extremely important. Hillary would be appointing Ruth Bader Ginsburgs left and right. To me that's extremely scary. What do you think? At the end of the day, I think we're all better off to write in Barney Rubble.
That was obviously me in the last post, sorry I didn't sign my name.
P.S. I hate Romney's healthcare plan as well as Hillary's. From what I hear Obama's is optional, but mandates coverage for children ... sounds like a good medium to me. Do you know anything else about it?
- Hayes
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