Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Well I have to admit....

It has been great watching Hillary self destruct, even if it does probably mean that Barack (The-hack) Obama will be the next president. (On the little "The-hack" bit... I heard some right wing radio person say it today, and even though I probably wouldn't go as far to say that.... I thought it was amusing).

I started watching the debate tonight, but it is almost pointless at this particular juncture.

I don't have much to report, or rather I'm not feeling particularly inspired.

I have taxes to do... (yes, still)... I've been loathing doing them this year even more than usual because of some added things I need to include. I should get a decent return, so I should get on with it.

Really I am totally void of interesting thought right now. I'm kind of thirsty, and there is some Coke Zero with my name on it. I think I'm going to go now, I'm going to go and get myself a glass of the aspartame sweetened goodness, and then I'm going to plop down in front of the boob tube, watch the boobs debate, then watch Jericho, all while attempting to do my taxes. I'm pretty certain that last sentence should have been split up two or three ways however, right now I just don't care.

Enjoy Wednesday, we are almost half way to the weekend.

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