Well... I leave today, or tonight rather! My first skip across the big pond, and hopefully the initiation of more traveling to come. That being said I won't have any posts till Memorial Day. I'll be sure to put up pictures when I get back.
Of course I'll eventually get to my part 3 rant on government health care as well.
The issue could become moot if I'm faced with the prospect of voting for a GOP ticket that includes Mike Huckabee.
Source: Huckabee Tops McCain's Veep List
I will have to jump ship if he's on board and either vote Libertarian, or for Barack. I can't vote for backwards thinking and someone who believes our laws need to be made to abide by "The Bible" as Huckabee has been quoted as saying.
(Courtesy of Wikipedia)
"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."
Other gems by Huckabee include that AIDS patients need to be quarantined, abortion is like the holocaust, support for intelligent design/ creationism being taught in public schools, made poor comments about the Mormon faith, has compared his weight loss to "being in a concentration camp", has publicly joked about suicide... (maybe appropriate for a comedian or Joe-schmoe, but not a presidential candidate), has suggested that homosexuality is the same as bestiality, has shown an almost laughable grasp of foreign policy, and did I mention he thinks putting illegal immigrants through college may be a good idea? If that wasn't enough his fiscal policy is shaky at best and where it counts the most (The economy and government structure) he's a populist. His fair tax plan would eliminate income tax in favor of a sales tax in the range of 25-30%. Simple, maybe, but what would it do to the economy? It is more like a pipe dream than a realistic plan.
I've gone to John McCain's website to leave a comment suggesting he will lose my vote if Huckabee is his VP. The idea that he is even considering him troubles me, if you feel the same way I encourage you to do the same. If not because of Huckabee's social views, do it because of his shaky fiscal and foreign policy credentials.
The "swing" states aren't the states that Huckabee carries any weight in. I actually believe that Huckabee will damage McCain's chances which should be pretty good thanks to the Electoral College. Honestly if Huck is his choice, he doesn't deserve to be president.... not by any stretch of the imagination. To me it would just indicate the potential for many more lapses in judgement to come. I think the U.S. has already had it's fill on bad judgement.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Stay Tuned for my Return!
Posted by
George N. Parks
1:02 AM
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Hey George - have a good trip!
Don't you still have to hold your nose and vote for McCain regardless? Obama? Come on, you can't be serious! What if Obama picks Edwards as his VP? You really going to go for THAT ticket?
I don't like Huckabee either, but I do agree with his comments about abortion ... we've been 'round and 'round on this one before, so no need to get into a drawn-out debate about it, but how many millions of unborn children have been denied life since 1973? To me it's by far the biggest shame on us as a nation.
- Tim
Thanks Tim.
Abortion won't be overturned especially with Congress headed in the direction it is. If Huckabee was simply pro-life I probably wouldn't care so much. He has a much broader radical religious ideology that I find troubling. Despite that he would be largely powerless under McCain with a Democrat run Legislature, I just can't cast my vote for someone with such ideas, and someone who would even insinuate forcing them upon others.
Now Tim... I'll be headed to Germany so, not only do I not want to, but I can't debate this issue. However since you brought it up, I can't just let it go. You felt the need to speak up in defense for a Huckabee comment which was poorly worded regardless of which side of this issue you stand on. That was MY point, not necessarily my pro-choice ideology.
I think most people, especially Jewish people would find the relationship between the holocaust and abortion especially offensive. You are talking about grown people (not embryos that have the potential to become people) who were rounded up and killed because of who they were. Within your so-called millions of deaths were many who were going to die regardless due to health conditions, could have intefered with the health of the mother, and had a mother who was incapable or unfit to raise a child.
Calling a woman who chooses, or in some cases has to have an abortion regardless of whether it is for health or due to her ability to provide a decent life... calling her a murderer is shameful, backwards, and wrong. This woman will go through enough anguish without having someone who can't even relate (Namely: "A MAN") tell her she's morally inferior and shouldn't have ownership over her own body. (Where Muslims and Fundamentalist Christians Unite)
Do you think some mother who doesn't want her baby is going to take the time to watch her diet, not smoke, etc if she is forced to have it? Odds are that the child will be brought into the world developmentally challenged and un-loved. Where does it end Tim? Are we going to start throwing pregnant women in jail for eating too much Tuna? Who is going to take care of all of the orphans?
Even if you do find abortion offensive, (And I'll say myself it should be a last resort!) the idea of banning it is simply irrational. It takes basic human rights away.
I think it speaks volumes that many (If not most) of the staunchest Pro-Life Supporters believe in Adam & Eve, think Evolution is a conspiracy, and believe dinosaurs were put in the ground by the devil to tempt us. These sorts of ideas are right in line with there being a room full of virgins waiting for martyrs when they die.
In choosing to vote for someone who wants to take someone's personal freedom away to support their religious ideologies... as opposed to someone who supports social programs that are supposed to help but will likely lead to economic ruin.... I'll choose the latter every time.
I'd rather be poor and free than live in a wealthy police state any day.
Edwards over Huckabee?...As much as it would revolt me.... You betchya.
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