Kate and I fully anticipated rain when we woke up on Sunday but we were pleasantly surprised with a bright blue sky. We discussed what we would do with our newly acquired late-summer day. After weighting the pros and cons of going to Cape Cod, vs. Plymouth, vs. Hull we decided to go to Hull. Hull is located on the "south shore" and is located on a peninsula that is pretty much a large sandbar connecting a series of modest hills or islands as we might call them if the sea level was about 2-3 feet higher.
Beforing heading out we briefly discussed whether or not to bring our bathing suits, and if we were going to head to Kate's apartment first to pick up her Kite. We decided it was too chilly for the bathing suits, and that there wasn't enough time to make the detour to Brookline. We definitely should have reconsidered the bathing suits because Nantasket Beach was absolutely gorgeous. There were some nice surf kicked up by what remained of retreating Tropical Storm Hanna, and the water was warm.... for New England. Quite a few surfers were out taking advantage of the rare waves. We decided to roll up our pant legs and head out into the surf. Notice Kate's technique. I kind of mocked it a bit, prematurely I might add.
Here's Kate slowly making her way into the water, no doubt chattering and reconsidering whether she was willing to "get her feet wet".
Here I am enjoying the balmy 70 degree F surf, soon after this shot was taken, I would get too over confident and proceed to get the cuffs of my pants wet. After this pivotal misstep, the cuffs refused to stay cinched up with out continuous readjustment.
I reconsidered Kate's methodology and let her have a go at attempting to roll up my cuffs. Albeit rather ridiculous looking, the Fazio cuff does work more effectively than my poorly designed denim engineering efforts.
Here are some flowers that Kate snapped on the way to the Hull town center. After a walk on the beach we were scoping out some lunch. We had our eye on a place called the "saltwater diner" but unfortunately it was closed, along with almost everything else. We decided upon Weinberg's bakery where we bought a couple of sandwiches. Well, I saw a salami grinder on the menu called "Lynda's Grinder" which I thought sounded pretty tasty. It turned out to be a bit of a disappointment to say the least. Typically you expect grinders to be on a sub roll, not a couple of pieces of toast. There was literally 1 slice of Genoa salami (or so they claimed) and 1 slice of provolone with some roasted peppers and onions. (The veggies were the only thing redeemable). Please note that it was wrapped in tin foil, not to mention the cost: $5. It took them 15 minutes to make our sandwiches, and we were the only customers. Kate had a Caesar wrap sandwich, which by comparison seemed pretty normal, and it was about 3 times the size of my sandwich. I helped her finish it.
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