Sunday, January 24, 2010

1 more full week in January 2010

Kate and I had a good weekend.
It started with us seeing the "Antarctica" movie at the Museum of Science on their curved IMAX screen. The shows are free on a hand full of the Fridays during the winter and we took advantage.

We followed it up with some Thai food at "The King & I" on Beacon hill. Lots of leftovers. Saturday were errand days as usual, and Saturday evening Kate came over and made Shepherd's pie. We just took it easy and watched some TV.

Sunday we debated whether or not to go see Avatar in 3D Imax. I'm not particularly enthusiastic about it myself- and ironically, Kate who usually isn't much of an action movie fan wants to see it. We opted on going to the gym, and then staying in and cooking supper instead. Perhaps next weekend.

Well time for another week. I have to get back to picking this popcorn kernel out of my teeth and then head to bed. Perhaps I'll read a little more Atlas Shrugged before I nod off.

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