My Weekend: I went up to Maine on Saturday for my father's birthday. Kate came along and myself, my parents, and my Aunt Gigi all had a nice barbecue. Later that night Kate and I walked around the old neighborhood and the fire flies (or lightning bugs... the preference is yours) were out in force.
Sunday Kate and I went to Popham and walked around the forts, and the beaches. It was overcast, however the fog had a certain beauty to it settling over the Kennebec and the Atlantic. Traffic was really bad coming back to Massachusetts at the Maine tolls, and I suspect around 7:00 that it was backed all the way up from the New Hampshire toll to Portsmouth. Rather than find out for certain, Kate and I decided to go into downtown Portsmouth for supper. We walked around for a while and settled on Poco's Bow St. Cantina, a Mexican bar and grill. The food and atmosphere was good and definitely hit the spot. They charged us $3 for chips & salsa which I thought was lame, and the waitress wasn't very timely and seemed a little forgetful. A table next us found a big hair in their Nachos. I was irritated because it sounded like someone had their Mp3 player hooked into the stereo system and they kept skipping songs until they found something they wanted to hear. I wasn't the only one bitching about it. It sucks to hear the first few bars of a good tune only to have them dashed when they skipped to some John Mayer song. Seriously, I think I would have been happier if they had just played an entire album of some various crappy artist rather than continuously teasing me. Despite these events, we both enjoyed our meal. I really like Portsmouth and was mentioning to Kate that we should go there more often since it isn't really that far away.
Sheehan at it again... Wait wasn't she supposed to give up the Peace Movement?
Cindy Sheehan considering run against Pelosi
Oh Cindy... tsk tsk tsk... will you ever learn? Is this your idea? It suppose it is dim enough to be. Good luck acquiring a fraction of a percent in that election. Someone should warn her that saying anti-Semitic things probably won't help her. I can't help but wonder if she understands that she will not be speaker of the house.... even if she had a chance to get elected. I guess it is the statement that counts, and what is that statement again?
Hypocrisy in the Christian Right....again.
First the article/news:
Senator sorry after number appears on D.C. Madam's list
Off of David Vitter's web page:
Life & Values
I'm wondering if Vitter understands by frequenting a prostitution ring.... he is (in a round-about way) likely supporting abortion. It is interesting that so many of the big time crooks, pedophiles, philanderers coming out of Washington, have predominantly been associated with the Christian Right. (Some of them were the same people who criticized Bill Clinton's morality previously) I assume they are compensating or attempting to hide their own moral bankruptcy by attempting to push their (claimed) values on others. Either that or they are very weak individuals who apparently REALLY need someone to tell them right from wrong.
How can some guy preach about respecting human life & dignity when he can't even respect that of his own family? Luckily Vitter's spiritual organization preaches forgiveness, although with their usual rhetoric you tend to forget.
Oh and this... This brought a smile to my face... Thompson may soon be kissing his presidential aspirations good bye. I never really thought he had a chance. I think he sort of comes off as a grumpy, animated corpse. As we know from history, personality after all, usually wins the presidency. I don't understand why the media is making such a big deal over his looming campaign.
Former colleague: Thompson worked for abortion rights group
If there is truth to this it undermines nearly the entire reason that he could potentially be a threat to Romney or Giuliani. The Christian Right might as well just vote for Romney, another flip-flopper who suddenly has an anti-abortion platform.
If you read the article the evidence well... not solid. Although there is this:
Meeting minutes
Mark Corallo, Thompson's spokesman told CNN "Thompson has no recollection of doing any work on behalf of this group. He may have been consulted by one of the firm's partners who represented this group in 1991. As any lawyer would know, such consultations take place within law firms everyday."
It is basically the group's word against Thompson's, since they can't produce records of payment. It seems like if it does exist, the bank should be able produce the records (taxes?). If it were true, it would basically mean that Thompson sold out for good old cash. It was his job.... but he could have refused the work. From the claims it sounds as though the consultation was a bit more involved than Thompson's spokesman is admitting.
If this is a political move on the part of the pro-choice organization, it is brilliant! A conspiracy theorist might dream up that perhaps Romney or Giuliani's campaign is secretly behind it.
Ain't politics fun?
Another reason conservatives should be skeptical of Thompson is his support of McCain-Feingold.
Comparing him to Ronald Reagan ... sheesh.
- Hayes
I still wish Newt was electable, for the job, but I feel like 1994 was a long time ago.
My father has a hair brained idea that Newt is electable and will run... but as far as I'm concerned... as much as I like Newt, If he gets in, and by some chance wins... Hillary/Obama will have it easy. I'm sticking by my original assertion that I don't think the GOP will have much luck unless Guiliani gets the nod... or Bloomberg joins late at saps away votes. We'll see.
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