Hide the women and children! It's the neighborhood creepy drunk! Bwwwwaaaaaaaahhhh!!! ((that last bit was my written Barney impression (The Simpsons))

Actually it's just one of my pasport shots. There are three different pictures that the local pharmacy took (CVS) but they pretty much all look like this. The Florescent lighting really brings out my pasty skin. And my fine hair is really looking quite fine too, pun intended. Just pushing it out of my face probably would have made a world of difference. Kate was busying herself elsewhere when the clerk shot the photo. She said she didn't want to make me self conscious, I kind of wish she had. Ehhh... it's pretty funny so I guess it is worth it.
I felt it was rather fitting that this glamour shot was snapped on my 30th birthday. Well... I think it I look at least as good as Britney Spears..... If only I had some cool hair extensions and a spray on tan......
My birthday was a good one, Kate & I went to Magarita's in Waltham, and used one of two $10 coupons they sent me. I ate too much Mexican food... but it was worth it. (John & Michelle, I ate an extra basket of chips... for you.....)
Kate got me a kick-ass griddle for my birthday. It's a beauty, a family sized (for my family sized appetite) Black and Decker... just think of the pancakes I'll make. And she got me a bottle of organic Canadian Maple Syrup as a bonus too!
I went to the gym today... I think the picture inspired it. I had trouble sleeping last night, lying awake realizing that my life was probably more than 1/3 over. So... I have to go to the gym, I have sleep better, yada yada yada.
Had a tooth re-filled today, also oddly coincidental and symbolic of my aging body. I almost overslept and missed the appointment (due to my insomnia the night before). I went in half awake. Getting the novocaine, which usually doesn't bother me, was absolutely miserable today. I didn't slur my speech afterward, however it appeared to affect my taste buds. I had a weird copper like taste under my tongue until mid afternoon. Additionally I had a phantom itch on a spot that didn't really exist. It was as though the part I desired to itch was deep inside the wall of my cheek, almost as if it were in another dimension.
Anyway..... that's about as much joy as I want to share today!
Kate I just had a piece of the ice cream cake! It was delicious, thanks again!
1 comment:
Is the "...LA LA!" reference an homage to your rearing in the finest of Northeast cities, Lewiston-Auburn? You know, as if to say, "Look at what you've created! Be proud, LA!"
Any rate, I appreciate your self-deprecating humor. It's fantastic, George. Really.
You'll find that's what gets you through your begrudged old age.
Hang in there.
All is not lost, though it may feel like it.
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