Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Rarity: George W. Bush is right

For the fourth time W is using the power to veto, for the first time he is 100% right on this one. Unfortunately most people won't "get it".... and with Hillary Clinton dreams of leftist grandeur on deck, and a Democrat controlled Legislature, these misconceptions of reality could not come at a worse time.

Bush vetoes child health insurance plan from the article:
The president had promised to veto it, saying the Democratic bill was too costly, took the program too far from its original intent of helping the poor, and would entice people now covered in the private sector to switch to government coverage. He wants only a $5 billion increase in funding.
Bush argued that the congressional plan would be a move toward socialized medicine by expanding the program to higher-income families.

Additionally, the method for paying for this is laughable. Cigarette tax increase of 40 cents a pack? Please. It will come up short of the amount needed to fund the program (as usual). Additionally this is supposed to be helping the lower class. It is commonly understood and statistically supported that the lower class is more likely to smoke heavily. If you smoke a pack a day it is going to cost you ~$150 more a year (1% of $15000 after taxes). If you smoke a pack every other day it will cost you $75. Now I suppose this could deter smoking which is good.. however it will only take more money away from people that need it the most.

While I do feel that more can be done to make sure children are taken care of in this country, expanding a government operated insurance program is not the way this should be accomplished.

McCain: Bush right to veto kids health insurance expansion from the article:
"The American people have rebelled against out-of-control spending. If they can find a legitimate way to pay for it, I would consider it," he said.
Expanding the program to cover children in families up to 400 percent of the poverty line would an "unfunded liability," the Arizona Republican said. "Just like the Medicare prescription drug program."

John McCain you have succeeded where many of your colleagues have jumped ship. You have not given in on this one to get votes, you have not done what is popular. The offenders have sold out to socialism, communism, and dealt a blow to the free market, and the greater freedom of Americans over something as fundamental as health. You, Senator McCain have recognized that what seems attractive, may not always be what is best. I believe that most ALL of the Republicans who voted for this bill, and probably even many of the Democrats did so not because it is "the right thing to do" but because it sounds good. It sounds so good.... so unbelievably wonderful, that anyone who votes against it sounds borderline evil. Brilliant strategy on the part of the Marxists.. I mean Democrats.

Shameful: Child Health Veto Will Be Election Issue from the article: Eighteen Republicans in the Senate supported the measure when it passed, including four who face difficult challenges next year. In the House, 45 GOP lawmakers defected.

To clarify, by defect they mean only 45 Republicans did the right thing and voted down the Socialist foothold. This bill represents everything that Republicans are supposed to be against... however lately the only thing that seems to divide the conservatives from the commies is whether they are 700 club fans or not. These are the issues that are important and this is a massive failure. A retreat from the GOP platform of "individual control", a retreat from smaller government, a retreat from lower taxes, a retreat from state control over federal control. This is selling out for votes and power... Nothing more, Nothing less. These people are destroying democracy... they are burying the frequently invoked Kennedy phrase "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country." The are replacing it with a Utilitarian pipe dream making people, and families further dependent upon the government. Mark my word... this is the beginning of the end of any last lingering hopes of personal choice. Big Brother.... apparently the masses just want to obey.

Many of you may think I'm over reacting..... well let me ask you this, if you want reliable transportation are you going to use a privately owned airline or bus line... or Amtrack? (There is a reason they are unprofitable.... and it isn't American disdain of mass-transit). If you want a package shipped overnight, are you going to go U.S. Postal service, or perhaps FedEx or UPS? Now imagine that you remove all of the competition and the only organizations left are Amtrack and the Post office.... these quasi government run monopolies still have competition. Imagine the effectiveness of these organizations with NO competition. Getting the picture yet? Now imagine that instead of shipping a package or getting to NYC we are talking about your health or the health of a child. Are you sure you only want one option on the table? Are you sure you want that option to be the U.S. government? Well, that's where this is headed.

I've listed the enemies of American Freedom Below, These are just the Republicans.... almost all of the Democrats voted "Aye", after all they know how to run your life MUCH better than you do.

Here are the GOP traitors in the House: AL-4 Aderholt, Robert [R]; LA-5 Alexander, Rodney [R]; AL-6 Bachus, Spencer [R] LA-6 Baker, Richard [R]; TX-6 Barton, Joe [R]; IL-13 Biggert, Judy [R]; CA-50 Bilbray, Brian [R]; FL-9 Bilirakis, Gus [R]; MO-7 Blunt, Roy [R]; OH-8 Boehner, John [R]; AL-1 Bonner, Jo [R]; CA-45 Bono, Mary [R]; AR-3 Boozman, John [R]; TX-8; Brady, Kevin [R]; SC-1 Brown, Henry [R]; FL-5 Brown-Waite, Virginia [R]; FL-13 Buchanan, Vern [R]; IN-5 Burton, Dan [R]; MI-4 Camp, David [R]; VA-7 Cantor, Eric [R]; WV-2 Capito, Shelley [R]; TX-31 Carter, John [R]; DE-0 Castle, Michael [R]; OH-1 Chabot, Steven [R]; NC-6 Coble, Howard [R]; OK-4 Cole, Tom [R]; FL-4 Crenshaw, Ander [R]; WY-0 Cubin, Barbara [R]; TN-1 Davis, David [R]; KY-4 Davis, Geoff [R]; VA-11 Davis, Thomas [R]; PA-15 Dent, Charles [R]; FL-21 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R]; FL-25 Diaz-Balart, Mario [R]; CA-4 Doolittle, John [R]; VA-2 Drake, Thelma [R]; CA-26 Dreier, David [R]; TN-2 Duncan, John [R]; MI-3 Ehlers, Vernon [R]; MO-8 Emerson, Jo Ann [R]; PA-3 English, Philip [R]; OK-5 Fallin, Mary [R]; NJ-7 Ferguson, Michael [R] VA-4 Forbes, James [R]; NE-1 Fortenberry, Jeffrey [R]; NJ-11 Frelinghuysen, Rodney [R]; PA-6 Gerlach, Jim [R]; MD-1 Gilchrest, Wayne [R]; OH-5 Gillmor, Paul [R]; TX-1 Gohmert, Louis [R]; VA-5 Goode, Virgil [R]; VA-6 Goodlatte, Robert [R]; TX-12 Granger, Kay [R]; MO-6 Graves, Samuel [R]; TX-4 Hall, Ralph [R]; WA-4 Hastings, Doc [R]; NC-8 Hs, Robin [R]; NV-2 Heller, Dean [R]; CA-2 Herger, Walter [R]; OH-7 Hobson, David [R]; CA-52 Hunter, Duncan [R]; SC-4 Inglis, Bob [R]; CA-49 Issa, Darrell [R]; LA-1 Jindal, Bobby [R]; TX-3 Johnson, Samuel [R]; IL-1 Johnson, Timothy [R]; NC-3 Jones, Walter [R]; FL-8 Keller, Ric [R]; NY-3 King, Peter [R]; IL-10 Kirk, Mark [R]; MN-2 Kline, John [R]; MI-9 Knollenberg, Joseph [R]; NY-29 Kuhl, John [R]; OH-14 LaTourette, Steven [R]; CA-41 Lewis, Jerry [R]; KY-2 Lewis, Ron [R]; GA-7 Linder, John [R]; OK-3 Lucas, Frank [R]; CA-3 Lungren, Daniel [R]; IL-16 Manzullo, Donald [R]; TX-24 Marchant, Kenny [R]; CA-22 McCarthy, Kevin [R]; TX-10 McCaul, Michael [R]; LA-4 McCrery, James [R]; NY-23 McHugh, John [R]; CA-25 McKeon, Howard [R]; WA-5 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R]; FL-7 Mica, John [R]; MI-10 Miller, Candice [R]; KS-1 Moran, Jerry [R]; PA-18 Murphy, Tim [R]; NC-9 Myrick, Sue [R]; CA-21 Nunes, Devin [R]; TX-14 Paul, Ronald [R]; PA-5 Peterson, John [R]; WI-6 Petri, Thomas [R]; MS-3 Pickering, Charles [R]; PA-16 Pitts, Joseph [R]; PA-19 Platts, Todd [R]; NV-3 Porter, Jon [R]; OH-15 Pryce, Deborah [R]; FL-12 Putnam, Adam [R]; MN-3 Ramstad, James [R]; OH-16 Regula, Ralph [R]; MT-0 Rehberg, Dennis [R]; WA-8 Reichert, Dave [R]; AZ-1 Renzi, Rick [R]; NY-26 Reynolds, Thomas [R]; KY-5 Rogers, Harold [R]; AL-3 Rogers, Michael [R]; MI-8 Rogers, Michael [R]; CA-46 Rohrabacher, Dana [R]; IL-6 Roskam, Peter [R]; FL-18 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R]; WI-1 Ryan, Paul [R]; NJ-3 Saxton, H. [R]; OH-2 Schmidt, Jean [R]; WI-5 Sensenbrenner, F. [R]; TX-32 Sessions, Peter [R]; CT-4 Shays, Christopher [R]; IL-19 Shimkus, John [R]; PA-9 Shuster, William [R]; ID-2 Simpson, Michael [R]; NE-3 Smith, Adrian [R]; NJ-4 Smith, Christopher [R]; IN-3 Souder, Mark [R]; FL-6 Stearns, Clifford [R]; NE-2 Terry, Lee [R]; KS-4 Tiahrt, Todd [R]; OH-12 Tiberi, Patrick [R]; OH-3 Turner, Michael [R]; MI-6 Upton, Frederick [R]; MI-7 Walberg, Timothy [R]; OR-2 Walden, Greg [R]; NY-25 Walsh, James [R]; IL-11 Weller, Gerald [R]; KY-1 Whitfield, Edward [R]; NM-1 Wilson, Heather [R]; VA-10 Wolf, Frank [R]; FL-10 Young, C. W. [R]; AK-0 Young, Donald [R]

Here are the GOP traitors in the Senate: TN Alexander, Lamar [R]; MO Bond, Christopher [R]; MN Coleman, Norm [R]; ME Collins, Susan [R]; TN Corker, Bob [R]; NM Domenici, Pete [R]; IA Grassley, Charles [R]; UT Hatch, Orrin [R]; TX Hutchison, Kay [R]; IN Lugar, Richard [R]; AK Murkowski, Lisa [R]; KS Roberts, Pat [R]; OR Smith, Gordon [R]; ME Snowe, Olympia [R]; PA Specter, Arlen [R]; AK Stevens, Ted [R]; NH Sununu, John [R]; VA Warner, John [R]

I repeat: These are the people who value their re-election and party's power more than individual freedoms.

Thankfully the Democrats are just short of the votes they need and it is unlikely they will get them. Democrats begin push to override veto of kids health insurance bill Although it appears Pelosi and her comrades will try their damnedest to prey on the insecurities of the floundering GOP. I hope, that the Democrats will not be successful in convincing us to let them take control of our lives, but Pelosi is much like the witch in Hansel and Gretel... and Americans are nothing more than greedy fat children who are always looking for more hand outs. Lets just hope we don't get cooked.

Tune in soon when I make a suggestion on how health care access to children can be improved in a way that is fiscally responsible and encourages accountability rather than complacency.

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