The weekend is upon me, I sit here waiting for Kate to arrive so we can grab some lunch. We are headed to a party at one of her co-worker's house later tonight. I think I'm going to be the oldest guy there, but alas I am young at heart (sure I am).
Friday night Jason and I reprised last week and went out for supper and a movie. I introduced Jason to Massimo's in Malden, an "Old School" mom and pop eatery that Kate and I have been to a few times. Afterward we headed to Revere for the opening night of Cloverfield. The film was brilliantly marketed because they didn't really show you much of anything in the previews. Having read little to nothing about the film I was really aware of the details. As the reviews say it is Blair Witch meets Godzilla. I would disagree with some of the reviews that are giving it 3 and 4 stars. (WARNING SPOILERS BELOW)
The movie starts giving you the impression that the Pentagon is watching a home movie which has become part of the "Cloverfield Project". Whatever "Cloverfield" actually is was completely lost on me, and I'm not sure who, or what the name is supposed to represent and why it is attributed to the story. If anyone is in the know... please leave a comment.
The first 1/2 hour of the film was incredibly boring and completely unnecessary. A bunch of hipster/yuppies partying unaware of their impending doom. If nothing else I suppose they had good taste in music because the Kings of Leon were playing in the background. The camera work was purposefully nauseating, too shaky, very distracting. When the "monster" finally showed up and started raising hell I found my self saying "It's about frickin time!" There were various implausible things about the movie. Half of midtown got destroyed, and yet tons of places seemed to have power still beyond "the emergency backup lights". In one scene they enter a high-rise in order to climb into another high rise which has toppled and is leaning on the other. The idiots try the elevators before using the stairs. Next they find a friend they were attempting to save who has a piece of rebar through her chest. Somehow she is still alive, and they pull her off and she survives with little noticeable effects. Anyway... it was entertaining but could have been a lot better, and it was too reality TV derivative for me.
Kate and I went to a party Saturday night that one of her coworkers put on. I made a chili and brought it over. There was plenty of food to nibble on and they had a beer ball of Bud Light. So after some games and a couple of beers Kate & I headed back to Melrose where we watched the Simpsons movie before heading to bed.
As the primaries are upon us I thought I would include this link to a very young Karl Rove which I found amusing. I'll be writing more on the primaries and caucuses of this weekend later.
A Young Karl Rove plots for College Republicans [VIDEO -- 1972] Note Rove's appearance... stark contrast!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Reformulated horror and a party
Posted by
George N. Parks
12:34 PM
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Gee, I wonder where Karl's wicked sense of style went between then and now.
You're just on fire Kevin! :D
Great Rove footage, Whore!
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