The victory of Hillary Clinton is a victory for all of America. (I definitely never thought I would say that!) Over the past few days I think we have seen a concerted effort by the collective media, the Democratic party, and the powers that be to derail the Clinton campaign. The Hillary haters spoke up, the doubters launched attack campaigns, and the right wingers who would rather run against a black man with an Islamic name, I believe inflated the worth of Obama. The Democrats are fearful that Hillary is unelectable, something that I don't believe. They are eager to replace her top spot with the charismatic Obama.
I bought into the stumble of Hillary as well, despite initial inclinations that New Hampshire would be more receptive to her. This upset showed everyone that the people will not be controlled by the media. It shows us all that our vote CAN STILL COUNT! I think the attacks against Hillary went beyond an attack on her. I think it translated into an attack on women, and the women of New Hampshire would not stand for it.
I have not seen the press turn on someone, or ramp up the pressure against a politician since the days of Howard Dean's scream.
All of the polls changed from Hillary having a slight advantage, to Obama having around a ten point lead in one night. Even the closest poll, one conducted by Suffolk University in Boston had Obama up by 1.0%.
Looking at the headlines just prior to the primary:
Protesters ask Clinton to iron shirts
Popular Washington Post supported blog:
End of the Clinton Era?
Clinton Needs A New Narrative
Then there was the Clinton crying bit, which was just absurd.
'It's Not Easy,' An Emotional Clinton Says
First off to say she cried here is ludicrous. If you watch the video her voice cracks and she is clearly tired and emotional but holds on to her composure. And then people criticizing her for it? I honestly don't think Hillary is capable of of faking it first off, because she can barely feign a smile (Hey but neither can I..)! Secondly it does not make her weak by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone who would even claim such a thing... really! I'm critical of Hillary but come ON! If this is the complaint you have about her going into the primary it is pretty tepid. I also must add that I believe it is CLEARLY sexist!
Our own president gets wet-eyed with pretty much every major speech he gives, the state of the Union, Inaugurations, etc, etc. But then again I suppose most prospective presidents don't want to share traits with George W. Although Romney cried several times on the campaign, which in a double standard he was PRAISED for!
Truthfully I believe that the press and the status-quo turning on Hillary had a huge impact on the voter turnout, and the amount of women who showed up to support her. MSNBC said that of Democratic Primary voters, 50% of women without children voted for Hillary as opposed to 31% for Obama. That is a 19% advantage. For women generally speaking in the democratic primary, 44% supported Clinton as opposed to 37% for Obama, an increase in the margins in Iowa where apparently voters were evenly divided between sex. The crying piece, numerous commentary on her ability to be an emotional stable president (after much more historical criticism calling her emotionless and cold), the sexist protesters, and critics saying that America wasn't ready for a female president; all of these things, I believe drove the women to the polls at the last minute. Even I felt bad for Hillary Clinton over the past couple days, and as you know, I'm not a fan.
Anyway what a historic and exciting night for politics! I sat down with a pizza and watched it unfold as though I was watching a major sports event.
Also helping Clinton... Independents. No, it isn't what you think, I believe the independents came out to support McCain, as opposed to Obama. I was wondering which way New Hampshire would lean. As New Hampshire is traditionally Libertarian I thought there was a chance this could happen, although I thought the precedent in Iowa could cause independents to vote for Obama instead.
Anyhow... it is time for me to go to bed. Till next week when Michigan votes for no apparent reason (the parties have thrown out their delegates because they moved their primary forward).
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:22 PM
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You were totally right. I believe the press was transfixed on ruining Hillary and I think their tactics backfired.
My husband and I were amazed this morning when MSNBC had basically called the primary before anyone even voted! Mika and Chris Matthews seemed to be chomping at the bit over that. Even my mother noticed the bias by the press.
I heard over and over how wrong it was for Bill to defend his wife. They played the sound bit of him calling Obama's speeches "fantasyland." The press obviously despises the Clintons. So what happened?
I think the people of NH and the people of this country remember better times when they see the Clintons and although the press doesn't like them, the PEOPLE do.
Can someone explain to me what's the big frekin' deal about Hilary Clinton? I think her emotional moment was a bunch of baloney, just like when Mitt Romney said on Meet the Press that he pulled over and wept when he heard that blacks were allowed to become priests in the Mormon church ... yeah, sure you did Mitt.
The Clintons take us all for fools ... when are people going to wake up and realize this? You think Hilary Clinton gives a wit about you and your kids? I can't believe you woke your kids up out of a sound sleep to listen to that garbage.
Hilary just wants to get elected, just like every other politician. So she's a woman. SO WHAT? That's a reason to vote for her? A person's sex or race should be absolutely IRRELEVANT when it comes to this - what matters is what a candidate stand for. Hilary stands for higher taxes, unfettered access to abortion, redistribution of wealth and the federal government as a nanny-state.
Whey didn't people make such a big deal out of, say, Elizabeth Dole when she ran? She was a major candidate, wasn't she? Her qualifications were probably about as good as Hilary's - oh, excuse me, I guess not since she didn't take a visit to some Middle East country with her daughter, a lousy female singer and a washed-up black comedian. That's part of Hilary's foreign policy credentials, apparently. Give me a break.
You think the press hates the Clintons? Have you ever seen the surveys that come out that detail how the press corps tends to vote upwards of 85% of the time for Democrats? And they hate Clinton? Why, because they think Bill should shut his mouth and not constantly steal the limelight from his wife? Sounds like a fair comment to me!
For the record, I think the Republican field sucks this year, too.
If you haven't heard it yet, here is your opportunity. Those who couldn't get enough of my prior internet hit parody, "It's My Party and I'll Cry if I want to" will be pleased to discover this all new, all original Hillary song:
If at First you don't Succeed (Cry Cry Again)
Dr BLT: words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008
Just for the record (no pun intended), while I poke fun at Hillary in this song, I don't automatically impugn her motives for the recent emotional episode. I wouldn't vote for her, but acknowledge the inherent conflict involved in the decision to either be vulnerable or to continue to wear a suit of armor.
To the second poster in here...
Dude.. Get a hold of your emotions! I can feel the tension! You generally won't win people over by insulting their intelligence and coming off being very hostile. In fact if anything I'm sure your post reaffirms her values.
Liddy Dole as a comparison? There is none, two different candidates, two completely different situations. Hillary is much better known as the quintessential "modern woman" who was married to Bill Clinton. She also stands for ideologies that more women support. For example the majority of people in the united states believe that some "Choice" in the matter of abortion is warranted. This goes up when you look at the population excluding men.
Yes Elizabeth Dole was accomplished, but she didn't come off as someone who would run a large corporation (even though she did), she came off as someone who would hug you when you were down, and bake you cookies! (I have to admit I sort of liked that quality)
I would have supported a Elizabeth Dole Canidacy, but she didn't seem resolute enough to most people.
As for Clinton's foreign policy qualifications? She's hosted multiple foreign dignataries as first lady, she has traveled extensively as a Senator, and been on various foreign policy comittees, more than several of the other candidates:
Clinton definitely choked up, she can't act her way into a nursery school play. As I said in the original post, she can barely smile. She can lie... but faking emotion? Nah... impossible, I refuse to believe it.
Anyway.... glad this post has been a popular one. Again my posting wasn't an endorsement of Hillary, rather a endorsement of someone who fought against the system and won. Backlash can be a powerful movement!
Time for me to watch the GOP debate!
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