Running counter to what one would believe.....
Marijuana may stave off Alzheimer's
In other news, I strongly dislike Nancy Pelosi and her fake sneer that she stole from Gary Condit.
Hastert sucks, don't get me wrong. Ever since Hastert replaced Gingrich as the Speaker of the House, that was the beginning of our country taking a severe turn in the wrong direction. Hastert isn't a leader... I really don't have the foggiest as to how he managed to get into power. Lately the guy looks like he's a step away from having a coronary. And no... that doesn't imply that I think the world would be better if he did. I just wish he'd leave politics... and then the world might be better.
I will say this, when I began to be increasingly irritated with Daschle, he lost re-election. When I began to really "hate" Tom Delay, he was run out of office. So I can only hope that both Hastert and Pelosi can't be too far behind. Really having Trent Lott gone was good too... However I happen to think Frist is one corrupt cookie, so I'm not sure which is better.
Getting back to the point I want to make, Hastert, from everything I've heard, is not responsible for the creep... aka, Foley's continued existence. In fact I find the mere idea that Pelosi is accusing him as such completely ridiculous. If he'd pushed him out, she'd probably say its a fine example of Republican leadership discriminating against homosexuals. Pelosi is awful. She makes George Mitchell, Tom Delay, and Tom Daschle seem like non-partisan moderates.
Hastert shouldn't step down because he didn't oust Foley. From everything I've read, there is no solid evidence to prove there was a cover up, other than what one aide said. Hastert should be pushed out because he has, along with George Bush, destroyed fiscal conservatism and the ideas of smaller government, and replaced it with credit card mentality budgeting and religious overtones.
Pelosi should herself leave because she is destructive as well. You have a Democratic party that can't even pull together an agenda against the completely incompetent GOP. What it comes down to, is Pelosi really admires her enemies, and with the exception of the religious right, she probably would be nothing more than another pork barrel spender when, and if she gets the top job in the house.
Mark my word, where the Republicans have racked up needless debt on pet projects, the Democrats will see it, and raise it. Then they'll blame it on the President who will likely be a Republican for the next ten years, unless something completely unforeseen occurs.
Of course W makes it worse by NEVER vetoing anything. MAN.... these people suck.
Read about the Pelosi/Hastert quarrel... the best is the venom displayed by Pelosi in a conversation with Hastert, where she threw reason to the wind and is simply trying to capitalize on here say and partisan politics. I honestly am not sure if people will buy it. It probably won't matter too much because Hastert is unrecognizable, and for those few unfortunate people who do recognize Pelosi, they probably wish that they did not.
Hastert says he won't step aside over Foley scandal
You can't possibly think Pelosi is good for the Democratic party. She's one of those people who just draws ire at her mere sight... and I don't believe I'm alone on this one. She makes Howard Dean look sane and reasonable.
The Pelosi brand is a bunch of crap for the uninspired. Her solution to virtually every problem (with the exception of foreign affairs... to which she is essentially clueless) is "spend more money". The real stupid part is how nearly every thing she's criticized, the Medicare plan to "no child left behind" are programs that received record increases under the Bush administration. She cites "cuts" but, in truth they aren't cuts, but simply put... more conservative increased spending. They can be called "cuts" because they are cuts to a plan of increases... that only partially went into effect. How Pelosi can say schools are worse off (when they have increased funding) and then turn around and say they need yet MORE funding is hysterical.
And the Medicare thing... they ought to do away with 90 % of the thing. A huge portion of it is nothing more than corporate give aways to insurance providers and pharmaceutical corporations. Then the rest is just an expansion of an already oversized bureaucracy.... with little to no improvement on health care costs. Pelosi, of course wants... drum roll, MORE MONEY. SO more of your tax dollars can go to fund corporate and bureaucratic welfare hierarchies and countless new jobs where people push paper all day and do nothing but piss people off, and do it well.
We need a revolt in this country.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Weighing in on those weighing in
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:45 PM
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