Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's Evolution!

Kate, Adam, Sarah and myself were actually at some point discussing our distant relation to the sea and I was roughly detailing some of our current body physiology that still tethers us to those roots. So coincidentally I noticed this article tonight and I had to post it.

We're not finished yet

Subtitle: "Mankind is no perfect work. As a product of evolution, the design is haphazard, part fish and part monkey."

This was one of my favorite portions from the article:

The sound of a hiccup echoes back to our very distant past as fish and amphibians some 375 million years ago, says Shubin. It's really just a spasm that causes a sharp intake of breath followed by a quick partial closing of our upper airway with that flap of skin known as the glottis. It's best if you can nip it in the first couple of hics, he says.
It's much harder to stop once you've let yourself get up to 10. By that point you've reverted to an ancient breathing pattern orchestrated by the brain stem that once helped amphibians breath, letting water pass the gills without leaking into the lungs. "Tadpoles normally breathe with something like a hiccup," Shubin says.

Life as a tadpole must suck, no pun intended.

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