Yes I know, I've been a lousy blogger all week, but I've been rather unhealthy too. I'm still not 100% whatever I had, has cleared up. I haven't eaten yet today except for an orange, but I should know soon enough. My digestion has been all out of whack, and I'll probably go see a doctor next week if it persists since stuff like this you tend to get over in a day. Each time I eat I get lousy cramps and the runs (joy!). Your welcome, glad to share.
I saw an article that touchy feelie communists were all up in arms about so I thought I'd say my piece.
Florida Education Official Lectures Parents on Wasting Money on Alcohol, Cigarettes
So of course the response from the masses: "A Florida school board member is drawing fire from some parents for saying they should spend money on school clothes for their children instead of buying alcohol and cigarettes."
Fox News's presentation of the article definitely supports my logic... all you have to do is read it and well... it speaks for itself.
I predict that the Florida school board will force this board member to apologize or resign, despite the fact he's right.
From article:
Parent Maria Quintana says Wheeler’s e-mail is insulting.
“I have a job and sometimes it's really hard. You have to struggle," Quintana told "And to have them say something like that is really degrading."
You know Maria, I'm guessing it is true, perhaps about you... because otherwise it shouldn't be degrading.
Now Maria may be a very good person... however she knows the government will cave so she can have her vices, even though it would be better for both her and her children if she didn't. THIS is the only reason to be angered by such a statement.
My parents struggled check to check growing up... racked up debt often and struggled to pay it off, and gave up their frivolous needs frequently. My parents sent me to Catholic school kindergarten through 3rd grade, and they couldn't afford it, but they found a way to make it happen. I never had cable until I was 16 or so, and we probably got our first VCR around when I was 14 or 15. We had one TV with rabbit ears. My parents didn't smoke, and they didn't drink. My father had quit smoking before he met my mother and my parents enjoy the occasional drink, but realized it wasn't something that mixes well with having a family on a tight budget. And lastly I'm an only child, not because my parents didn't want to have more children, it was because they couldn't afford to have more children and grant them the opportunities they helped give me. I feel very lucky every day that I had them, and they made these sacrifices for me.
The left wants people to think they can and should be able to live beyond their means. They want people to feel it is their right as human beings to do so. I couldn't disagree more.
Maria felt degraded.
When I've had problems, weaknesses, various shortcomings how did I feel, better yet how did you feel? Generally degraded, more so if you know there is probably a solution, but it may take some hard work and discipline to make it happen.
I feel degraded when I get that F on a test so I try harder; I feel degraded when I get caught speeding, so I slow down; I feel degraded about messing up in a game of sports, so I practice harder. And so on....
Much of what keeps us in line as a society, much of what keeps us on the straight and narrow is based on avoiding shame. You do what is right to avoid bringing shame onto yourself.
Laws, rules, sin, social norms.... they are all based on this. Despite that many seem frivolous, most of this structure has a place in our world. It helps us function.
Why shouldn't someone feel bad if they can't buy clothes for their kids? Please someone answer me that? And if they are spending money on things they don't need, why shouldn't they feel even worse? These feelings help us do the right thing, and keep us from doing the wrong things.
The trouble is we have people who want to manipulate the masses into complacency. The more people believe it is up to government to solve their problems and give them things they normally would have to work towards, the more power politicians acquire. These officials claim to have the interests of the poor at heart. They tell the people that others who expect them to take good care of themselves and their children are "cruel and unusual". They convince people that they are incapable of doing more for themselves. But don't worry the government will do it for you. Personally I think people risk their lives to escape Cuba for a reason, but perhaps I'm just delusional.
I applaud Jay Wheeler, although I suspect he won't be a board member much longer. I probably wouldn't have said it myself... but I definitely would have been thinking it.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
My Absence
Posted by
George N. Parks
1:09 PM
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