Before you read my quasi-depressing rants and raves, perhaps a viral vid for you? There is an "ass" in this one so consider yourself prewarned. Jess showed me this one a while back, and I just rediscovered it.
I don't know exactly what to write about today..
I'm pleased that the Red Sox swept Baltimore. I watched one game yesterday, and I watched Wakefield today. 3 K's in a row the Wake was on fire. Ummmm.....
Monday sucks, I'm really not into a new week at this point, but then at the same time I was too tired and depressed to do anything useful with my Sunday, so I guess I might as well be at work. Unfortunately the idea of lying in my boxers, unshaven, with bed head, sounds much more appealing to me :D.
I read a bit in a book which is primarily about the Beatles. It is pretty interesting, although I barely had the energy to do that, and only made it a couple chapters before giving up.
I know I should have called my parents... but I didn't want to do that. And I probably should have done other things too.
Watched The Family Guy tonight. It was good as always, its potty humor and random unrelated deviations from its plot line warmed my heart as always. During commercial breaks they kept putting this Old Navy ad on with attractive tan people dancing on some roof in horrifying planned choreography. It wasn't funny, and it made me feel like throwing open my sliding door and jumping off the balcony. I'm imagining the old lady down stairs finding my dirty unshaven corpse in boxers in her path, my neck broken by the nearly 4 story fall. Now that... that right there is hilarious. They should put that in an Old Navy commercial. "Old Navy, driving people over the edge, since Morgan Fairchild."
Actually what they should do is have a new ad featuring Morgan Fairchild. She's cool and sexy, dancing with some fetching lads in polos and khaki shorts... (or whatever other cheap knockoff crap with a propensity to dissolve after one wash cycle, which the cheapest sector of "The Gap" is pushing (whew!)). Then get this, when she opens her mouth: bats, flies, wasps and maggots come out of it, and the flesh peels off everyone in the room with her, but the clothes... they survive. Yeah I know its false advertisement, but lets be honest, how many people put on their clothes and instantaneously become mindless and uber pretty and have the sudden urge to spin in sheer joy.
Returning to the Family guy... if you watched the latest Southpark, Trey Parker & Matt Stone were taking pot shots at The Family Guy in their latest anti censorship bid. Now, it was amusing, but I thought it revealed that these two dudes are a couple of arrogant jerks. It reminded me of kids in high school. Lets say two groups of kids have a garage band, yet one group is outwardly vocal about how much more sophisticated they are than the other group. Probably a quarter of the kids agree in allegiance, another quarter like the outspoken band but secretly think they are childish pricks, and perhaps another quarter thinks they are jerks and like the other band. The last quarter of kids of course are more interested in who will be voted prom king & queen, and how well the football team is doing, what student government voted on, etc, etc. They don't care and probably don't even realize anything else exists.
Hey what was I talking about again?
In other news:
Golden retriever was on run for 2 years
Some times I just feel like run-ning.... -Forrest Gump
(Sigh).... You just can't fight the man. You just have to figure out how best to fit into his plan.
über (-bûr)
1. (adj.) Really; very; above everything else. Origins: from German über alles above everything else.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Tangents, & The Man
Posted by
George N. Parks
8:45 PM
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Yay, depression, you have finally come around to my ways of being! I have been waiting for your blog entry all day:) Later, Kate
Aye, it is depressing. Fortunately, we don't have Old Navy in Germany.
The video is kick-ass! I would say they're Swedes or Norwegians - what a crazy bunch.
Don't let the tube bring you down. Your parents could also accomplish that feat, so call them instead ;-)
btw, just to be an ass: if you need the letter ü but can't find it on your puny Anglo-Saxon keyboard, just press the Alt-key, type in 0252 via the number pad and finally release the Alt-key. Voilá! ü!
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