To avoid my description of discomfort and anxiousness, skip to the bottom to see pictures of Mike Caprio's stunning new look, and Jess Wheeler's latest aquatic adventures.
A brief but accurate portrayal of my weekend adventure: I was weary with two nights of four hours of intermittent sleep, and long, long days of observation of un-exciting events. Luckily before this I did get to spend some quality time with Kate, she even helped me carry my luggage to the airport, much to my chagrin.
The airport security lines were short, but my baggage claim took for ever. Logan Airport was actually more organized about managing the latter than Philadelphia (go figure!).
The window on my return flight was stuck shut. I originally had a center seat and the window seat person was a no-show, so, with a glass is half full attitude, I suppose this situation was an improvement anyway.
My nose was running, I beat on the window trying to open it unsuccessfully. I would temporarily return to my latest John Irving read as we taxied on the tarmac due to some inclement weather. Several times I frantically tried to pry the window open, thinking it would suddenly unstick. Or perhaps it wasn't stuck, perhaps, I was just sooo incompetent I could not open the light weight simple functioned sheet of plastic separating me from that thick plexi glass oval. No, I'm sure some damn teenager probably stuck gum in it.
Light headed from a large "Lancaster Ale" (36 oz and $11.50 + a tip) I had trouble holding my book up. I gave up trying to nonchalantly try to sniff up the bougar or remove it with a brush of the hand. I gave this quest up despite the notion that it must have been very evident. When I put this out of I mind, I fell asleep shortly after take off. I twitched a couple times going in and out of REM, perhaps preoccupied with work or things that need doing.
"Attention passengers, we are currently 30 miles southwest of Boston and will begin our decent to Logan shortly. We expect to be on the ground at 9:05, the current temperature is 77 degrees, We would like to thank you for choosing US Airways today and have a pleasant time in Boston."
As I pried my left eye open, then my right, lolled my head slightly to look over in the window behind me, I saw only a vision obscured by the darkness of a canvass of clouds, and the encroaching evening.
Wearily I looked to my left at the empty seat next to me. A neat stack of several paper "coaster napkins" was placed squarely in the middle of the seat. I suspect my snot suspicions were confirmed by this manifestation of convenience. At first I was a little embarrassed, although ultimately appreciative. I wondered whether the strong silent looking fellow in the aisle seat had left them there for me, or whether the flight attendant had noticed my sorry state. Whether it was my embarrassment, my pride, or perhaps my initial lack of knowledge about how they arrived in their purposeful location, I was leery and hesitant to take one. Ultimately I grasped one, and then another. I honked a couple of times to rid my self of the mucus madness that had irritated me so much about an hour and a half ago, shortly before I succumbed to an alcohol tinged carelessness. Dehydrated at this point the salty bundle put up a bit more of a fight but finally it released the grasp it had on my nostril, but not without pulling a couple unwanted nose hairs along with it.
I was treated to an enjoyable wait for my luggage (please take this for sarcasm), a pleasant game of searching for the correct T shuttle, and then a lovely pause for... I would say 15 minutes, for the Blue line to bring me close to the Orange Line shuttle. The Orange Line shuttle was of course a treat, much like it always is.
Without further delay, my friend Michael Caprio's stunning locks, supposedly the result of a lost bet. Actually I think Caprio is just trying to be cool like Eminem. I bet he's practicing some lyrical ditties as I write this.
Gambling is bad news Mike.... bad news. I think you should spice it up with some purple Koolaid.
Then Jess Wheeler looking adventurous on a canoing trip with one of his friends... I'm not quite certain about the functionality of the blue tarp sail.
And then lastly... some tough looking kids braving the rapids in a canoe with... is that a lawn chair?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Stuck Windows, Sleepless Nights, and .... Ummmm
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:17 PM
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