Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Where do I order my pupu platter?


So tomorrow is Thursday, and the day after that is Friday, (just for those of you who aren't keeping track). Best of all you are probably reading this on Thursday, which means that for you... TOMORROW IS FRIDAY... which means

It's here

It's here... The weekend is here! Hooray HOORAY

Hooray for Friday....

Ummm so, enough with my dullard silliness...

Kate and I were going to go to the Blue Ribbon BBQ in Arlington tonight to test out another of Greater Boston's fine BBQ establishments. Unfortunately when I met Kate after work the sky said "IMPENDING DOOM". And if the sky had a voice it would have been like Phil Hartman speaking through a tube while stretching out his vowels. Dooooo-ooooom!!!!!

So due to our fear of wetness and/or electrocution we simply took the T to Davis square and went to the old standard "RedBones". I had a combo plate of pulled pork and pulled chicken. Kate had a pulled chicken sandwich. It was lovely. I had some "Sebago Lake IPA, Small Fry" which is new to me. It was decent, but nothing spectacular. It's been a while since I've tried a new beer that really wowed me.

Kate and I went on a nice walk after our meal. I drank a lot of tea and sweated it out. I saw this tall man later drinking water out of a milk jug and it emasculated me. The MBTA had fans which essentially did nothing more than circulate the 100 degree heat around.

A pregnant woman passed away in the bleachers at a Red Sox game on Saturday. This was surprising on multiple levels, one, it wasn't too bad on Saturday. The story is a sad one, I wish the father and newborn boy who survived well.

Lets wish Jason Varitek a speedy recovery from his injury incurred playing against Anaheim. Mirabelli is holding the fort, so lets give him our support as well.

Finally I thought I'd finish off with some pictures that Kate just developed from our recent Appalachian expedition in the White Mountains. The photo at the top of the page is me staring at Arethusa Falls, which I had previously described as a 200 ft version of one of those "Chinese Restaurant" waterfalls.

This Photo is of Bretton Woods the famous Mt. Washington Hotel resort. This historic hotel was actually open to the public, which was very cool. I always thought it was pretty neat as a kid but never had the luxury of seeing up close.

Below is Kate on top of Wildcat Mt., then Mt. Willard.

So above you can see me re-enacting "The Sound of Music" on the top of Mt. Willard. I'm Julie Andrews! I'm Julie Andrews... Look at Me!

This is a picture from the top of Wildcat Mt. We cheated and took a Gondola ride. To the left, is Mt. Washington, however it was covered in clouds the whole time we were up. We could still make out some snow on the mountain side, just below the clouds (mid June), with a coin operated binocular set at the summit.

Here I am looking stunning, hair greased in a fine sheen of bug spray and sweat, if there was better resolution you'd see my beautiful 3:00 pm shadow, and just for extra beauty I thought I'd close the eyes and show off those long luxurious lashes. Ooohh la la!

You Are 80% Weird

You're more than quirky, you're downright strange.
But you're also strangely compelling, like a cult leader.

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