Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Boycott Walmart

Ok folks, I admit it, this latest press release finally put me on the anti-Walmart bandwagon. I suppose I was sort of already there, as I avoid Walmart whenever possible. This however, this takes the cake.

The following article is based on a leak from an official Walmart corporate meeting.

Wal-Mart memo: Unhealthy need not apply

The title really says it all. However it details how they want to encourage part time employees over permanent employees. It talks of increasing health insurance burdens on employees. It speaks of a new strategy of multi-tasking that forces all employees to do their share of physical labor. The logic being that the elderly will no longer want to work at Walmart.

Sam Walton must be rolling in his grave. This company was founded upon community and treating employees with respect, now all that matters is profit margins. Even with year after year of increased profits.

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