Thursday, October 20, 2005

Crab People, Crab People!!

Ahhh, don't know if any of you caught the new Southpark, but it was definitely an "Its funny because its true" type episode. Stan breaks a beaver dam with Cartman's assistance when they try to drive a speed boat. It ends up flooding a town in the valley below. The rest of the show is a process that shows everything building up and cascading out of control. No one knows who destroyed the dam. Half of people say Bush caused it, the other half blame terrorists. Then it is decided that Global warming caused it. Of course people aren't getting rescued from their rooftops, and a quote from Stan's dad is rather fitting of recent events. When Stan mentions his concern over the lack of rescue missions, his father says "What's most important right now is figuring out who to blame". For all South Park devotees, crab people even have a cameo in this episode. Its one to treasure for ever.

Here is an article detailing the Woes of the Bush administration.... Actually only a fraction of them. Specifically it delves into the Plame Affair.

Friday at last!! I can't wait to sleep until 9:00 on Saturday its going to be great! Ah... So much to look forward to.

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