< My beautiful balcony garden :(
My green thumb is not well this year!
Check out Below for Red Sox World Series Parade Pics!! I thought I'd post them in anticipation. I got them developed today, not the greatest but still entertaining.
BUSY WEEKEND: It all began with a company getaway Friday. Initially I had to be at Millennium for a tele-conference, and then we rushed to get on our ten AM shuttle to George's Island. Perhaps I'll have photos of that later in the week, someone usually snaps a few and I was in some.
We had a Lobster clam bake there, then had a little booze cruise in Boston Harbor. On the island is an extensive Fort called "Fort Warren" which has had varied use back to the war of 1812. Many Confederate soldiers and sympathizers were imprisoned there (over 700), serving almost as a Union sanctioned gitmo.
After the day with the company I met up with Jess Wheeler where we were going to see a favorite band of his "The Secret Machines". http://www.thesecretmachines.com/ They are a tight band that has long occasionally psychedelic tunes that occasionally resemble the Flaming Lips or an updated version of David Gilmore's Pink Floyd. It is good stuff. Also playing were Mew, and the main act Bloc Party. The crowd was intensely into Bloc Part which was entertaining but as the peppy emo/punk/pop tends not to be our bag, we only stuck around for a handful of their tunes. Before going to the show, Wheeler and I hit the Barking Crab, wharf restaurant where we had some fries and sweet & spicy shrimp as a small filler, along with several beers. (At which point, including the booze cruise, I'd progressed to about 7 total and had a good buzz for the show) After the show we hit J.J. Foley's which is a down to earth Irish bar just outside of Downtown Crossing in Boston. Christine, a coworker had suggested it, and as it turns out, Scotty, Mike and I have been there a couple of times. It is a nice place that has a classic neighborhood pub decor without being a dive, and the music isn't too loud to the point where you can't hear people talk.
So of course on Saturday I was pretty hung over after clocking in over ten beers. After driving Wheeler to Oak Grove to expedite his journey to South Station, (at 8:00 am, Jess had to work), I got home and crashed.
I got up later that afternoon for a work related tele-conference, and then later that night, Kate came over. I made some ham Italian sandwiches. Kate munched on some tortilla chips and salsa as she watched me chop up the necessary veggies. After eating, we went for a drive to "Soc's" and got some Ice cream.
Sunday was a pleasant day. Kate and I went to the new "Not Your Average Joe's" location at the new Station Landing shopping/residential complex by Wellington Station on the Orange Line. I had a lovely Pizza, and Kate had this massive chicken salad. We went onward to check out an open air market in the South End that Kate had read about in the Improper Bostonian. It was a pretty nifty setup of booths selling mostly crafts, but there were a couple vegetable and baked goods stands interspersed amongst them. I'm sure in time, it will be the type of thing which will get bigger, but It really only took us five minutes to walk through. There weren't enough people there so we could be inconspicuous enough not to get talked up by every stand operator. It was a beautiful day to walk around the city, and the South End is a part of Boston that I haven't spent too much time in.
Next we strolled over to a D line train and headed to Brookline so Kate could drop off considerable leftovers from Not Your Average Joe's. She should eat well this week :D. Following this we walked to Harvard Square from Coolidge corner.
It was a great evening, one of those you wish didn't have to end... but alas its time to go back to work.
RED SOX VICTORY 2004!! It may have been a dreary day, but there was excitement in the air and spirits could not be dampened. The curse had been broken!
Below right: Taken after the parade on the outside of Fenway. Kate took this one too capture the exciting times in Boston.
To the left: This is another of the pitchers Duck tour boat. That is Wakefield pointing up, Lowe is in front. I think Schilling is far left, but it is so dark you can't really tell.
Below right: A Dominican Flag is seen waving amongst the Red Sox paraphernalia.
For some reason the format is being tricky here and isn't letting me write in the left column, hopefully these annotations will make some semblance of sense.
To the left: Here you see a duck boat with the relief pitchers.
Right Below: Wally the Green monster & Friends, but aren't we all friends of Wally?

To the right, below: This looks at the crowd heading west down Boylston St.

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