Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday, Monday.....

Monday morning and it was a dreadful semi-wakefulness that colored my palate of consciousness. I struggled through the morning listening to a coworker explain the beauty of the Water's (inc) HPLC software. More frustrating was that he ignored my basic need to get data fast... and wanted to go into way too much detail for the overview that was inteded to be cursory. I mean, it was meant to be a quick overview, and, additionally I was feeling light headed and still was floating in and out of a dream state, despite my motor functions and reflexes which managed to keep me upright.

Eventually a slice of pizza and a side salad replentished my blood sugar. It was a productive day after all organizing the newly acquired data (which I improvised acquiring my own way in spite of my morning tutoring... tsk, tsk...) . I also had to go over some ethanol storage regulation for the city of Cambridge. They have some new absurd enforcements and I've been dubbed the "Alcohol Administrator" for our group. I have to work with our safety department to get up to code and keep track of our inventory.

Work concluded and I was eagerly off to the gym. I did well tonight burning 1000 theoretical calories (or so the digital interfaces would have me believe). Some left over Chinese take-out served as a late supper, along with a bowl of salad. Honestly I sneaked a couple of mini-Reeses peanut butter cups too. I had previously bought a Halloween sack of the treats at Walgreen's in a rather pointless purchase, just to get smaller bills for laundry change.

Well enough of the mundane... I guess I thought I'd put down some quotes of interest in recent news and pop culture, and then follow it up with a couple of links.

"Life beats you down occasionally and when it does, you just have to not
try. But I am the eternal optimist. No mater how rough it gets, there's always
light somewhere. The rest of the sky may be cloudy, but that little bit of blue
draws me on," -Recent Quote by Paul McCartney
"And you've got that little smirk on your face and you think you're so clever.
But I had responsibility for trying to protect this country. I tried and I
failed to get bin Laden. I regret it," -Bill Clinton in Fox News Interview (see
link provided below)
"I just don't know about it," he said. "I guess I was taken aback by the
harshness of the words." -President George W. Bush when asked about claim that
Armitage threatened the Pakistan government immediately following 911


Bill Clinton: I got closer to killing bin Laden

Bush plays mediator in praising Pakistani, Afghan leaders

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! No seriously.... there's a strange wind a blowing....Earth may be at warmest point in 1 million years

Keep on droppin! I plan on getting the old college loans paid off soon, if the constellations stay in alignment. I'm just hankering for some new debt.
Home prices: 1st drop in 11 years

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