It was a nice day today. Did some more painful technical writing and documentation today. Hopefully I will have gone a long way to reduce the amount I'll have in the immediate future.
I'm enjoying "The World According to Garp" by John Irving. I thought I'd take a break from Irving after completing "The Water Method Man", but low and behold I plowed right on into one of his more famous work, probably trumped only by "The Cider House Rules" and its popularity as a film (screenplay also by Irving).
I made it to Bally's tonight and enjoyed my time on the elliptical and other exercise instruments of torture. Seriously, when I get in the habit of going to the gym, I really enjoy it... and I plan to start bending over backwards to make it happen now because I just have way too much free time. (cough).
This morning on the T, I read an add in the metro for a 5k walk/run on the Charles esplanade on September 30th. I was pretty hyped to see it, because I hadn't worked in another run since the Millennium Multiple Myeloma benefit this spring. So... I'm definitely looking forward to that. It is at 10:00 am. If you sign up online it has a $15 fee, on the day of the race it is $20. It looks like it may be not exactly T friendly... but it is probably accessible fine with a fifteen minute walk from a stop. I'm going to have to research it. I signed up online already. Check out the page... their directions are unfortunately poor, just a mapquest.
It talks about the cause etc... because I kind of suck, my fifteen dollars and participation will be my donation.
I thought I'd weigh in on the whole Pope controversy.
I think the Pope's "reading" was taken a bit out of context, however I do think it was in poor taste for someone of his stature and influence to amplify these words in such volatile times.
The most irritating part about it, is with my cursory knowledge of Islam... while calling it "evil" I think is a bit extreme, it is my understanding that violence IS very much a part of the Koran and Islamic beliefs, contrary to politically correct ideals that are being promoted (and for good cause of course... to reduce incidences of the very crap we now are seeing). The thing that really bugs me is that these Islamic protesters, and now Al Qaeda are proving this medieval text quoted by the pope to be correct. They are seeking to spread their faith by the sword.
This of course is not representative of all of Islam. Christianity is not without its "evil" content. Gospels promote antisemitism at times, and then Judaism has the whole eye for an eye bit which is just fodder to perpetuate violence. But it is up to the educated and civilized world to lead by example. People can have faith without being caustic to the differences around them. We need to understand and accept one another, not try to convert everyone. (Although I can't say I'm big on jihads, multiple wives, sexism, capitol punishment, burkas, etc... I do think these things are just... wrong). Everything is so complicated... ain't it?
I need to take the time to learn a bit more on Islam since it plays such a crucial part of the world scene currently. I think we all could serve to do this.
Here are some links to articles of interest:
Al Qaeda threat over pope speech
These folks have the temperament of junkyard dogs, school yard bullies, and that token drunk guy at a party who's eyes dart all around looking for a confrontation.
Pope's statement in full
The Pope's statement is actually very well thought out and eloquent. It is very impressive, and I think he said the right things. Unfortunately none of this matters because the people fire bombing churches and killing nuns aren't interested in "getting along".
Pope: Conversion by violence not of God
Honestly... while I think it may not have been a exceptionally wise choice of passages to quote, I think it is true. Really, I almost have to be willing to give the Pope credit to be brave enough to say what dozens of world leaders will not. And I think he touches upon the problem well... there isn't anything wrong with Islam, but it should not be spread through violence, and the faith's history and culture is embedded with these methods, right back to Mohammed.
While W may personally want to convert people, generally the West does not... yes we want to influence the middle east. Mainly we want stability and friendlier relations... most people could give a rats ass who they worship. Its just this whole fondness of suicide bombing thing that bugs us. That and I suppose a few people are concerned with some of that inky crap that sits beneath the desert. :S Ahhh well, what are you going to do.
So if you are wondering why I keep typing "We-elll....", for some reason I have that sort of old school over used folk music transition stuck in my head. Think the Kingston Trio, and Peter Paul and Mary. Vibrato, nasally crescendo dividing two faster paced lyrical stanzas.... Have you seen "A Mighty Wind?" Bingo!
Bad man's blunder lyrics
Old Joe's Place lyrics
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Posted by
George N. Parks
12:05 AM
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