Drought threatens 1.5 million in southwest China
My day at work today was kind of like the day the stock market had.... enough said.
I hope Wednesday is better!
Theories Thoughts and Insanity
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:43 PM
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:19 PM
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:55 PM
Pelosi Calls Bush to Complain of Cheney's Comments on Democrats' Iraq Strategy
Dick Cheney's visit to Japan, and the stuff he said while he was there is nothing short of hilarious. Rice and Cheney both have raised the bar on their bold faced lies.
An example: "The British have done what is really the plan for the country as a whole, which is to transfer security responsibility to the Iraqis as the situation permits," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said at a news conference in Berlin, where she was in meetings on the Mideast peace process.
The spin on the British troop removal is hysterical. I mean for anyone to buy into that. I guess we should either move out a lot of troops from southern Iraq and put them in Bagdad.. or bring them home then, because things are apparently going really well in those areas.
Cheney: U.S. wants to return from Iraq 'with honor'
From article: "And I want you to know that the American people will not support a policy of retreat," he added. "We want to complete the mission, we want to get it done right, and we want to return with honor," said Cheney
Who does he think he's kidding? I'm certain the Japanese understand American sentiment right now, and fully know where this is heading.
When McCain said we needed more troops to do this right... McCain was right. Bush kept used troops there a couple months longer.... despite every one's preoccupation with the "surge"... it just really isn't one. We unfortunately did not fight this aggressively or strategically in the start, and now we do not have the resources to do what's right. Additionally the American public is strongly against the battle. Even though by all means we should be cleaning up this mess (Because it will probably get bigger) It will probably not help with us being there. If we leave, we'll likely be back soon... but perhaps it is what needs to happen due to a lack of better options.
Confirming that John McCain is bats....(Think John Kerry style) and that Dick Cheney is, well.... it speaks for itself
Cheney: McCain may apologize to Rumsfeld, as he did to me
If this has any merit... It is some good news:
The Religious Right's Era Is Over
Good news NOT because I'm anti-religious. I'm not. It is good news because the religious right is a contradiction in terms. It is good news because perhaps legislation can be spent on fiscal and important social issues rather than items such as "flag burning" "prayer in school" and "posting the commandments on government property". Of course the useless non binding resolution which took a month to vote on... and then failed in the Senate... doesn't give me much hope.
Some excerpts from the article:
"In the churches, a combination of deeper compassion and better theology has moved many pastors and congregations away from the partisan politics of the Religious Right. In politics, we are beginning to see a leveling of the playing field between the two parties on religion and "moral values," and the media are finally beginning to cover the many and diverse voices of faith. These are all big changes in American life, and the rest of the world is taking notice."
"Even more amazing, the Left is starting to get it. Progressive politics is remembering its own religious history and recovering the language of faith. Democrats are learning to connect issues with values and are now engaging with the faith community."
"It's time to remember the spiritual revivals that helped lead to the abolition of slavery in Britain and the United States; the black church's leadership during the American civil rights movement; the deeply Catholic roots of the Solidarity movement in Poland that led the overthrow of communism; the way liberation theology in Latin America helped pave the way for new democracies; how Desmond Tutu and the South African churches served to inspire victory over apartheid; how "People Power" joined with the priests and bishops to bring down down Philippine strongman Ferdinand Marcos; how the Dalai Lama keeps hope alive for millions of Tibetans; and, today, how the growing Evangelical and Pentecostal churches of the global South are mobilizing to addresse the injustices of globalization."
Time will tell if the faith I once had in organized religion will ever be restored.
What matters is the examples we set, what we think as individuals, how we treat others, Not how or who we pray to or with. What matters is the truth in the message NOT whether the stories that spread the word are fact or fiction.
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:55 PM
I warned you it was venomous... deep in the dark recesses of my mind... well actually it's more like front and center.
I will apologize if my posting was in any way shape or form interpreted as anti-Christian. I DID however intend to make a mockery of Bush's Christianity. I know Bush may feel he is doing the right thing, and I know he also feels that he is a good Christian, but it is MY belief... (If I remember my CCD) that the fundamentals of Christianity are very much against what Bush has done. Precedence however shows that this is just another of many battles of ideology, that have occurred over the past 2000 years... that stand in stark contrast with the teachings of Christ.
The following article.... which I wish wasn't published by the Washington Post.... anyway the following article is a good explanation of the contradictions of the Iraq conflict with Christianity.
To perhaps lure you into taking a look, some info on the writer: "On Faith" panelist Miroslav Volf holds the Henry B. Wright Chair of Theology at Yale Divinity School and serves as Director of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture. A native of Croatia, he studied at the Evangelical-Theological Faculty in Osijek, Croatia before earning his Masters degree from Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California
Iraq War Not A Just War
Explaining a little on what I see as hypocritical American Policy... here is a CONSERVATIVE... and it's sort of sad when lately Buchanan is one of the few who seems to have common sense. The following article forces on Bush's endorsement of Israel's recent over zealous attack on Lebanon, a Lebanon that only recently was pro-American. I wonder where they stand now?
Where are the Christians?
One point in the article is how sadly, only Pope Benedict seems to be leading the charge against the Bush Doctrine which has been based on poorly thought out strategy, rather than justice.
John Paul in the Early throws of the war: "Iraq war Threatens Humanity"
In this same article a cardinal eludes that this is the beginning of WWIII.
New Pope Benedict XVI a Strong Critic of War
As a Cardinal, the new pope was a staunch critic of the U.S. led invasion of Iraq. On one occasion before the war, he was asked whether it would be just. "Certainly not," he said, and explained that the situation led him to conclude that "the damage would be greater than the values one hopes to save."
So on this issue, the Pope, who is supposed to be the infallible head of the Catholic Church, the Christian Church that started them all, on this Issue I think the Pope is quite clear about how "Christian" the actions of our current administration are.
An additional statement made in my prior post which should not come as a surprise to anyone who knows me is that I am pro choice. I think abortion should be discouraged, and prophylactics should be encouraged. Additionally if legislation was created to ban late term abortions, except in circumstances where a mother's life was in danger, I would support this too... however when "partial birth abortion" bills are introduced, they are NEVER clearly defined, and are left vague so that legislators can later go in and ban abortion as they please. This is misleading and wrong.
I understand this is a difficult issue for people, and that generally NO minds will be changed. I have my reasons, and they probably can not be reconciled by people who believe that an undeveloped embryo is a human being. Previously abortion was not a key issue, however Bush ran on the platform that he would NOT seek to over turn Roe vs. Wade. His behavior in office has been a stark contradiction to this. I believe women should have the right to make their own decisions with their own bodies... and I don't think any government has much right to infringe upon this. Our current lot of candidates for President are not shying from the abortion issue. I did not consider opinions on this prior to 2008 as crucial because popularists would not touch it. This is no longer the political climate in Washington and I will exercise my opinion appropriately. If I have to end up voting for Ralph Nader (God I hope not........) I WILL.
One thing I don't understand, is how there are many people out there who can care so much about a undefined mass of cells growing inside a woman, with no conscious though or ability to survive with out the specific life support of this woman........ but then is indifferent to massive casualties of innocent civilians who we are supposed to be "liberating". You can't argue about whether these are conscious beings or not.
So.... I don't know if that helps or makes my incendiary remarks even worse, but this is what I believe.
IF we had conclusive evidence that Saddam Hussein had a strong military force threatening the region, that we hadn't already destroyed. IF we weren't already fighting a battle in Afghanistan which needed more of our attention..... THEN maybe this all would have made more sense. I understand Bush's Vision, it however was not well thought out or planned. Cultural impact was disregarded and influence over Iran was paid little heed, and now we are paying the price on multiple fronts. The proof is in the pudding.... whatever that means.
In a bit of irony today Chemical warfare was used in Iraq by the insurgents. So Iraq did not have a functional chemical warfare ability when we invaded..... but guess who's been in school!!!
Scores choke in poison gas attack
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:30 PM
Posted by
George N. Parks
12:22 AM
Principal Scott Fain said the computer lacked the latest firewall protection because a vendor's bill had gone unpaid. "I was shocked to see what made it through," he said.
But Fain also said Amero was the only one to report such a problem: "We've never had a problem with pop-ups before or since."
This woman, bottom line, can't use simple logic in the classroom and shut off this PC displaying porn. This makes her a bad leader, & irresponsible. Even if she isn't to blame of the origin of questionable content, it clearly seems she dropped the ball on rectifying the situation. This is common sense.
Beyond the convicted woman, this case is a clear example of poor accountability in the public education system. In these times the Internet is not a trivial thing, and access to it by children should be taken seriously. This school administration was negligent, obviously on the training of the substitute teacher, and admittedly on their infrastructure.
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:55 PM
Posted by
George N. Parks
9:48 PM
Another weekend past and an excessively LAZY one at that. I got virtually NOTHING accomplished other than sleeping. Oh... I picked up a roll of quarters at Shaws to do laundry, I just didn't actually do the laundry. I didn't go into work, I barely neatened the apartment.
Kate came over Sunday. We met at Wellington station on the orange line first and had a fulfilling meal at "The Texas Roadhouse". We savored our wonderful rolls and cinnamon flavored butter. We both ordered steaks, however I got a Caesar salad and mashed potatoes where as Kate got a house salad and a baked potato. My choices were better ones of course. Later we went back to my apartment and decided to bake some toll house cookies. In addition to a decent batch of cookies we made a giant one on a cookie sheet. We decorated it with milk chocolate frosting and candy coated Valentines Day Hershey's kisses. I ate too much sugar today. While our monstrous cookie was baking we got on the subject of painting children's faces. For one event in Wyoming I painted children's faces at a community fair. I mentioned that I created a popular design which was an "alien head". Little boys especially really liked this alien head and wanted it painted on their faces. Kate impressed by the fact that I could actually create something that others liked (nice faith in me huh?)wanted to see it. So I drew this very simple design. While I was busy continuing to bake more cookies Kate occupied herself from repeating this drawing and "improving" it. This was drawn on the back of a grocery receipt. The big alien head closest to the bottom was mine. Next in chronological order, Kate's first alien was the slightly lopsided looking one, bottom right. Next she drew the one on the left (sans "hair"). Kate then decided the neck of this alien was too wide and proceeded to draw her next alien head directly above my original. She then proceeded to give this one long hair... perhaps it is a lady alien. Next she added the spiked hair to the alien head bottom left. Kate finished her artistic endeavours with the top alien which is supposed to be a "punk alien". Yes that is a Mohawk. This concluded my lazy weekend.
I did finish reading "The Last Templar" by Raymond Khoury which is in the same vein as Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code". Although interestingly enough the author struck a tone suggesting it would be irresponsible of an archaeologist to reveal historical evidence documenting Christ as a mortal rather than the son of God. It was an interesting work of fiction, that theorized about what might have happened if similar events were a reality. I think Khoury severely over estimates the impact any find like this would have, because I believe it would not be "believed", and would be discredited.
Now I'm going to start "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho.
Well I have a big day of report writing ahead of me, so I need to get to bed.
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:50 PM
A series about Condy Rice excercising... interesting insight into this woman's life. Wish I had what it takes to wake up at 4:30 and go to the gym... but alas I just don't have the Right Stuff.
The menu at the end of that 1st installment made me feel a wee bit guilty as I just ate a whole large Pizza. (It was FAN-tastic) I plan to do some walking tomorrow, maybe even make it to the gym... probably not as I dropped the ball on todays to do list BIG TIME. The winter really makes me lazy. I can't believe Condy is over 50...
And part three
Yeah... I've gotta start doing that water thing again too. I did manage to bring lunches to work every day last week. If I can manage to keep that up, it alone should help me lose weight and save money... but alas WE shall see.
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:04 PM
Here are a couple of great political virals... but truthfully they are pretty watered down, so all of you anti-politics folks... don't get scared away. Check em out!!
Posted by
George N. Parks
9:52 PM
Whole Foods says its ban on lobster sales will stand -- except in Maine
Oh this one is hysterical. PETA supports the humane killing of lobster... the best bit of this article is how they think giving lobsters private tanks and humane electric shock deaths will spread to all grocery stores...... Right, and I can turn inanimate objects into gold.
Oh and this article is nothing short of appalling:
Pay exceeds $140,000 for hundreds of troopers
To all of those critics who thought Matt Damon's co-signed apartment on Beacon Hill in The Departed was too suspicious.... think again.
I'm all for police officers making a decent wage since they put their lives on the line..... but personally I believe anything over 75k should be reserved for sheriffs and 20 year veterans. I think I just figured out how to fix the burgeoning crime rate in Boston. Terminate everyone who makes over 100k and doesn't run a police force. Put a salary cap at 100k that increases with the cost of living. Replace overpaid officers with new officers who make between 40-60k then take all of the extra money and put new cops on the street. Additionally rig cameras & lidar/radar up on interstates and busy state highways and eliminate at least 1/3 of the speed/ traffic task force. Establish an ad campaign to educate (and scare) the public into maintaining safe speeds. Police officers should be protecting the peace, not collecting taxes. Lets leave that to the IRS. Task forces can redirect funds appropriately for increased surveillance in troubled neighborhoods, etc. Officers from my knowledge, are not compensated nearly this much in other states, and the do as good, and in some instances arguably, a better job than those in Massachusetts.
Enjoy my favorite bunny parody:
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:06 PM
I spent half the day just shaking my head.... It started off well... and well... lets just say that's not the way it ended. Sleep is going to be a welcome escape in a few minutes here.
The most effective new ad (cost: 2 million dollars)
And I swear... I feel like this dude some time.
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:27 PM
Here's an amusing vid on habits of cleanliness, I can't say I quite relate to the guy's showering habits, but then again... I'm a flawed example of a man.
Here is the one of the best Beatles covers I've heard, and by an amateur musician. This is actually an instrumental, and on all things a ukelele. I didn't even think it was possible to make this instrument sound like this.... it's just.... wow...
And... lastly, this is sort of interesting... A new musical (movie) based of Beatles music. The production looks good from the preview. It very much seems like a modern intepretation (an influx of emo sentimentality) of the Beatles, however the Beatles started out as a "chick" favored group here in the U.S., so perhaps its fitting. My feelings is this could go either way. I'll definitely check it out because I'm too much of a Beatles fan and a sucker not to. If nothing else, perhaps it can turn on a new generation to the Beatles with increased fervor... and that's a good thing.
Posted by
George N. Parks
3:40 PM
Posted by
George N. Parks
8:10 PM