Pelosi Calls Bush to Complain of Cheney's Comments on Democrats' Iraq Strategy
Dick Cheney's visit to Japan, and the stuff he said while he was there is nothing short of hilarious. Rice and Cheney both have raised the bar on their bold faced lies.
An example: "The British have done what is really the plan for the country as a whole, which is to transfer security responsibility to the Iraqis as the situation permits," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said at a news conference in Berlin, where she was in meetings on the Mideast peace process.
The spin on the British troop removal is hysterical. I mean for anyone to buy into that. I guess we should either move out a lot of troops from southern Iraq and put them in Bagdad.. or bring them home then, because things are apparently going really well in those areas.
Cheney: U.S. wants to return from Iraq 'with honor'
From article: "And I want you to know that the American people will not support a policy of retreat," he added. "We want to complete the mission, we want to get it done right, and we want to return with honor," said Cheney
Who does he think he's kidding? I'm certain the Japanese understand American sentiment right now, and fully know where this is heading.
When McCain said we needed more troops to do this right... McCain was right. Bush kept used troops there a couple months longer.... despite every one's preoccupation with the "surge"... it just really isn't one. We unfortunately did not fight this aggressively or strategically in the start, and now we do not have the resources to do what's right. Additionally the American public is strongly against the battle. Even though by all means we should be cleaning up this mess (Because it will probably get bigger) It will probably not help with us being there. If we leave, we'll likely be back soon... but perhaps it is what needs to happen due to a lack of better options.
Confirming that John McCain is bats....(Think John Kerry style) and that Dick Cheney is, well.... it speaks for itself
Cheney: McCain may apologize to Rumsfeld, as he did to me
If this has any merit... It is some good news:
The Religious Right's Era Is Over
Good news NOT because I'm anti-religious. I'm not. It is good news because the religious right is a contradiction in terms. It is good news because perhaps legislation can be spent on fiscal and important social issues rather than items such as "flag burning" "prayer in school" and "posting the commandments on government property". Of course the useless non binding resolution which took a month to vote on... and then failed in the Senate... doesn't give me much hope.
Some excerpts from the article:
"In the churches, a combination of deeper compassion and better theology has moved many pastors and congregations away from the partisan politics of the Religious Right. In politics, we are beginning to see a leveling of the playing field between the two parties on religion and "moral values," and the media are finally beginning to cover the many and diverse voices of faith. These are all big changes in American life, and the rest of the world is taking notice."
"Even more amazing, the Left is starting to get it. Progressive politics is remembering its own religious history and recovering the language of faith. Democrats are learning to connect issues with values and are now engaging with the faith community."
"It's time to remember the spiritual revivals that helped lead to the abolition of slavery in Britain and the United States; the black church's leadership during the American civil rights movement; the deeply Catholic roots of the Solidarity movement in Poland that led the overthrow of communism; the way liberation theology in Latin America helped pave the way for new democracies; how Desmond Tutu and the South African churches served to inspire victory over apartheid; how "People Power" joined with the priests and bishops to bring down down Philippine strongman Ferdinand Marcos; how the Dalai Lama keeps hope alive for millions of Tibetans; and, today, how the growing Evangelical and Pentecostal churches of the global South are mobilizing to addresse the injustices of globalization."
Time will tell if the faith I once had in organized religion will ever be restored.
What matters is the examples we set, what we think as individuals, how we treat others, Not how or who we pray to or with. What matters is the truth in the message NOT whether the stories that spread the word are fact or fiction.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Marvelous Spin
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:55 PM
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