Monday is always a good day to bitch on. Having to go back to work, the drudgery, etc. Soooo.... I thought I'd bring up driving tests since the Northeast was ranked with the worst drivers.
See article: Test scores are in: Northeast still has dumbest drivers
On the state by state ranking Rhode Island is the worst, and Massachusetts is second. They are basing this on performance by taking the test:
Drivers test
While no one would question that the drivers in Massachusetts are "Bad", I would question this test. It is horribly out of date, and several of the questions are vague and circumstantial. I would argue that RI fared worse than most because there is no rural living, and several questions "answers" could not be realistically applied to city driving. I think insurance providers and the government need to sit down and seriously reconsider the test. If anything, I think following some of the "correct" answers would cause more accidents than they prevent.
The first question:
Where should you park when you need help after your tire suddenly deflates while driving on a highway? (Select one)
a. In the right hand lane
b. Off the pavement
c. Where your car will be visible for 200 feet from the front
This does not even make sense to me, the answer is "Off the pavement" but in the city, this would mean driving over a curb, parking on someone's lawn, driving beyond the breakdown land, (which is illegal). There are definitely circumstances where "In the right hand lane" is your only option, or where "Off the Pavement" might put you in a ditch, or put your life in danger. Option c. makes even less sense, as you would want people from behind to see you, not the front, but your first two answers are so circumstantial that it might even cause someone to select c in desperation.
Next: I got the road is most slippery when, question wrong, merely because I didn't know. The answer "When it just starts to rain after a dry spell" is probably one of those things I knew 13 years ago when I studied and took this drivers ed test, but have since forgotten. I grant them that question.
Moving on,
9. On a sharp curve, you should use your brakes to slow your vehicle: (Select one)
a. During the entire time you drive through a curve
b. Before you enter the curve
c. Just after you enter the curve
The answer is not a, although one would expect that it should technically be a combination of a & b. So you hit the breaks before the curb, but then proceed through without your foot on the breaks? Sorry, that one's lost on me. I'm a little slow what can I say.
11. If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should: (Select one)
a. Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction
b. Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding
c. Slow down gradually by easing the gas, and not applying the brakes
The answer is c. In drivers ed, they'll contradict this question out right and say pump your breaks, or press firmly if you have power brakes (which most cars have now). So we have a question worked for some one ton steel 70s cutlass supreme and not for today's honda civic, or even a toyota tacoma for that matter. I can just here the conversation now... "why did you slide off the road?" "Gee officer, I don't know, I didn't apply my breaks, just like the drivers ed test said and I went right off the highway, I just don't get it!"
And I'm saving the best for last. Try following this one as worded if you live in civilization.
7. When waiting to make a left turn, you should give the right-of-way to vehicles coming from the opposite direction: (Select one)
a. Until at least two vehicles have passed
b. Until dangerously close cars have passed
c. Until all of the cars have passed
Answer is NOT b. The answer is c. That's right, ignore those honking horns and NEVER go if you can see a car coming. It's nice that the guy in the left hand lane is stopped to let you go, but I'm afraid you just can't do that. According to drivers ed, and the insurance companies, all traffic must have passed, so you better sit there until 3 AM, or until some driver got out of a car behind you, rips you out of your seat and bashes your head in with a crow bar. Hey, Safety first!
Mr. Bean's expensive parking garage solution:
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Driver's Test
Posted by
George N. Parks
9:17 PM
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1 comment:
I dont remember the questions on my Driver's exam. I just know that I only have to take it once in the state of arkansas :)
And I remember them telling me I was wrong on a few questions and explained to me why after I was beligerant that *I* was right. They were totally wrong on them. If i did what they said to in certain situations on the raod, I would be a dead woman.
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