My Rants for the day
Dan Rather Says: "I leave CBS News with tremendous memories. But I leave now most of all with the desire to once again do regular, meaningful reporting. My departure before the term of my contract represents CBS's final acknowledgement, after a protracted struggle, that they had not lived up to their obligation to allow me to do substantive work there."
Dan give me a freaking break. You are washed up, you are biased, you signed off on a story that was built upon false information, & contributed to the embarrassment of CBS (although in the link below the AP, suddenly is doing an about face and contradicting everything I've heard up until now) And how out of touch are you to think that CBS has an "obligation" to give you work? Last time I checked this was an employment at will country, not France. Just count yourself lucky they didn't fire your ass right off like they should have.
Rather leaving CBS
And CBS... don't think you get away free, you are replacing a piece of crap unprofessional reporter with the Soccer Mom Morning show entertainment? Couric has already in the face of critics saying she'll have to change her style for professional journalism, audaciously said she'll continue to interject her opinion and personality into the way she projects the news. Perhaps she needs to re-read her journalism text books. She'd be better suited to Fox News next to Geraldo or Entertainment tonight. (Please note: the above rant is in no shape or form intended to be a critique of Soccer Moms, rather just a critique of a particular type of entertainment that many of them may trend towards watching. Soccer Moms have more patience and multi-tasking ability in their left pinky fingers than I have in my entire being. Although in fairness, many of them really do scare the piss out of me when I'm driving in traffic next to their large & in charge expressions of middle class america. It can drive an otherwise secular man to prayer.)
Audience doesn't 'want a mechanical Ted Baxter,' she says
Just look at the picture in the article above and tell me with a straight face that she isn't a demented leprechaun! COME ON NOW... Straight face!
This is very important information. I think you'll re-evaluate the meaning of everything after hearing about it. And I'm proud to say I dedicated a lot of time towards it while moonlighting on my other job at University of California, Berkeley.
""Then I looked at the data from all four Cluster spacecraft. These anomalies were being observed simultaneously by all the spacecraft. That's when I believed that they were real," said George Parks, University of California, Berkeley.
Earth surrounded by giant fizzy bubbles
"Tiny bubbles (fizzy bubbles)
In the wine (in the wine)
Make me happy (make me happy)
Make me feel fine (make me feel fine)
Tiny bubbles (fizzy bubbles)
Make me warm all over
With a feeling that I'm gonna
Love you till the end of time
So here's to the golden moon
And here's to the silver sea
And mostly here's a toast
To you and me
So here's to the ginger lea
I give to you today
And here's a kiss
That will not fade away
On a more serious note, Cat violence is getting out of hand. Have you, or has someone you've known been a victim of feline violence? Are you tired of tabby owners that just can't control their ferocious beasts? When will the insanity stop.
Terrorizing tomcat ordered under house arrest
Photo in the News: Cat Chases Bear Up Tree
Cute? I think not, fun and games until this orange tabby decides to make you the victim or its wrath of terror. Luckily the bear can climb trees, would you have been as lucky?
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Rather, the evil leprechaun, Fizz, and kitty carnage
Posted by
George N. Parks
11:33 PM
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1 comment:
Happy to say my kitties are purrfection and not violent... well, to humans. just to each other ;)
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