I want to start of with a little bit on the latest book I'm reading. I finished Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck this weekend. It was excellent, not quite as good as Cannery Row, but in the same vein.
This portion should please some of my more right wing friends :D, Although this well esteemed Senator was truly one of the first great Moderates.
I'm reading Bob Dole's Memoir "One Soldier's Story" and I'm only a couple chapters into it at this point. The story is absolutely riveting, and, I swear there are times when I'm reading it where I feel like tearing up. I've just gotten to the point where Dole had his paralyzing accident that left his arm virtually unusable. He really captures the horror of war, and the sacrifices made by people in those tormented times.
By comparison I feel that today's world is still very placid by comparison, however I do feel that there is a storm brewing. I honestly don't think the problem will likely arise from Iran, as many do, unless our stellar American Diplomacy backs the ugly dog into a corner, which sadly would not surprise me.
I'm more concerned about a huge military build up by China, & the Taiwan dispute. I think it is only a matter of time before something happens. The economic pressures of oil are going to catch up with countries. For China to continue growing at their current rapid rate, some unconventional Old World tactics could ultimately come into play. They may be expanding and becoming more democratic and capitalistic, however they still have leadership that trends towards the traditions of the People's Republic.
They are building the largest military arsenal for a reason.
Not since WWII has the U.S. had to contend with a foe of equal or even greater strength. (I exclude the USSR, aside from the Cuban Missle Crisis no "major" shots were fired in that battle) I don't know if we, or the rest of the Western World for that matter, would put up much of a fight.
The vivid imagery in Dole's accounts brought this to mind, how different the battles were from the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts and even Vietnam. And if we can't be successful or plan properly in those encounters how could we ever expect to stand up to a giant.
Hopefully China's leaders will realize that they are just as likely to surpass us with peaceful economic tact, than with violence & threats. Hopefully they'll realize that they'll be more prosperous when we are purchasing their exports.
Now, onto my more controversial portion, although it shouldn't be.
Yeah I know this part of the post will bring scowls to the faces of some of my friends, but I'm sorry. This is what I believe is right. This is a new civil rights issue, and I hope that one day we'll all look back on it as such.
Looks like Bush and & Friends are at it again. I find it amusing that Laura Bush
just did the talk show circuits saying that she didn't think there should be a ban. I also find it amusing that both of Bush's daughter's have voiced their opinion that there should not be a ban. I find it amusing that the Vice President, does not think there should be a ban. Even Samuel Alito, Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee reportedly supports gay rights. And yet the zealot has to continue to pursue this ludicrous amendment, in the face of support that thankfully will fall short.
I think it is nothing more than an awful, but effective political move on the part of W.
The sad thing is politically speaking, in an increasingly fundamentalist country, this could be an ingenious move. Use the politics of yesterday, the politics of bigotry and hate to align otherwise democratic voters to go for the republican ticket, just so they can prevent a couple of people who love each other from getting
cheaper healthcare. They'll go for it in droves, its the new abortion ticket, although sadly I bet this issue will invoke even more passion, and even though I'm pro choice, I'm going to come right out and say, Gay Rights is cut and dry. There is no reason to penalize people on the basis of their sexual orientation. Homosexuals do not harm people. Most "older" folks who are against this will use the "Its just wrong.. they are sick" defense. They'll even start spouting off ridiculous lies if you prod them enough such as Gay people created AIDS etc., etc. And younger people, unless you are somehow far removed from the mainstream world, I don't understand how someone could passionately get behind a ban in gay marriage. It goes against what our country was founded for, a place where the persecuted, the immigrants, the tired, the hungry, could live with the promise of a greater tomorrow.
It is irritating that our government is once again wasting time on frivolous crap rather than dealing with problems at hand. If they want to bring this up they should have an amendment to ratify same sex marriage rather than ban it, but that sadly is at least 20 years away I would guess.
I'm going to reiterate, that contrary to popular belief, the Republicans will retain control, definitely over the House, and possibly even the Senate.
We are upon the cusp of a dangerous time in our country, where corruption and debt are spilling over. Many ignorant people are looking for someone to blame. I'm afraid for us, and afraid for who our next scapegoat will be.
A couple of prominent articles from the past couple days:
Same-sex marriage issue is close to home for Tennessee couple
Bush urges gay marriage ban enshrined in Constitution
Will gay marriage and flag burning rally the GOP base one more time?
Monday, June 05, 2006
Soldier's Story & Constitutional Amendment?
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:30 PM
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