Thursday, November 09, 2006

A day later

Well... The Republican loss was well deserved and it needed to happen. The corruption had run out of control. Spending is unchecked. The war is a mess. And of course this goes on.

The powers that be needed a wake up call and this was it.

Already we've seen Donald Rumsfeld step down, which can only be a good thing. One would hope...

Anyway, I honesty can't compose myself still, It's too late tonight, and I haven't had enough time to process.

I'm obviously worried about Nancy Pelosi, and the prospects reinforced fiscal irresponsibility, but I suppose it is a risk we are going to have to take.

The Democrats have been trying to paint themselves as budgetary conservatives in light of recent deficits under a GOP run legislature. Now its time for them to prove that they can live up to the sermon.

-Till I have time to write something... ummmm better,
Good Riddance Donald!

We'll see... we'll see...

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