I could talk about how everyone in the world (including many conservative commentators) have come to the conclusion that Iraq is in a civil war..... (NBC is 1st to call it that... check out the conservative blog newsbuster... which does a poor job of busting this piece of news) everyone with the exception of Bush who just this morning said otherwise.... But instead I'll focus on the real news. Some people don't like Rachael Ray.
Yes yes...
Rachael appears to have reached full celebrity status, meaning there is an "Anti-Rachael Ray" Community.
I was a bit taken a back by this, because amongst people I know, I've only heard positive things about Rachael.... other than her being a "cheap tipper" on her $40/day show.
As some of you know... I have a little crush on Rachael. Truthfully, she's not my type... but its one of those silly crushes that have little foundation outside of the inner workings of my mind.
She's bubbly, fun, seemingly down to earth, and cute in that "girl next door" sort of way. And her cooking show actually caters to "reality". When I say reality, I mean they are 30 minute meals. In this world where people have less personal time this is key. Realistically we aren't going to be cooking like Julia Child or having any "Iron Chef" competitions in our homes. (except perhaps a potato salad cook off?)
Anyway, curious as to why people would "hate" Rachael, I looked at the Boston.com article and then looked up the Rachael Ray Sucks community. I thought the posts were quite revealing. An overwhelming majority of the posts were women. Now in all fairness, maybe more women watch the food channel, but I would expect it to be more like a 60%/40% statistic rather than the 95%/5% that this community represents. This got me thinking... why is this?
One of the reasons I like Rachael Ray is that she seems to be someone who is confident in what she does. In other words, while Cosmo may be entertaining to her, she doesn't strike me the type of woman who would treat such a piece of trash like the bible. She laughs loud, uses silly phrases like "yum-o" and she waves her arms around when she talks, and she always seems happy go lucky. Now this "community" singled out these things as reasons they don't like her..... funnily I think these are the sort of things that make her likable. She's herself!
To contrast... if you are a food channel fan, as I am... allow me to bring up Giada the dull professional chef. While Giada is a stunning beauty, she has an insincere, monotone, nerdy school-girl voice, and often patronizing personality. Giada, as it turns out comes from money and was raised by a silver spoon. Sadly for Giada, I have a feeling she probably acts up tight and restrained 24-7. So one might argue that she is "herself", I might argue that her true self has been kept bottled up most of her life.
Since Ray is building an empire of sorts, (She's even on my box of Wheat Thins.....mmmmmmmm Wheat Thins...... droool) why not compare her to Martha Stewart? While she hasn't quite established herself as the cook/entertainer that Martha's become..... who would you rather spend time with? The icy crook, or warm bubbly Rachael. Hey, its a no brainer that's all I'm saying.
Back to why all of the community members are women.... Rachael Ray is an "Elaine Benes" type character. That's what I've decided. I bet most of her friends growing up were guys. I say this because she strikes me as the type who would seek to "enjoy life". While ambitious, it would seem that her top competition is likely herself, rather than keeping up with the "Joneses".
Rachael does not strike me as one who would sit around with the girls and decide what fashions were in. And... in a couple of improvements over Elaine, she does not strike me as one who would gossip about who was "hip" and who is not. She also strikes me as someone who would be inclusively friendly to all. Lastly I believe Rachael just does what she wants, and what feels and seems right to her. Rachael's choices have obviously been good ones.
Now of course I'm basing this all on the TV persona... but Rachael comes off more likable and sincere where others have not. I believe this is the key component of why an average looking, woman with no culinary training, has persevered on hard work alone. (And the luck of getting the attention of the Great and Powerful OPRAH)
Yes so there is that contingency of "Sex in the city" women (well wanna-be Sarah Jessica Parkers), with their Gucci hand bags, and their strict behavior rules; then there are the traditionalists, the women who believe they should doll themselves up for their men, and have supper... that has been cooking for several hours, waiting for their men when they get home; then the jealous type, which really can overlap the first two categories. These women all hate Rachael Ray, because they feel that they can do some minute detail better than RR. They just don't get that they don't have the whole package, and most importantly the ambition.
So if you look at the community, you'll find a minority of the posts actually dislike her actual cooking, and when they do, its usually for its simplicity. (HEY IDIOTS SIMPLICITY IS THE WHOLE POINT! And they wonder why they don't have their own show.)
The vast majority of the posts criticize her for being happy (Yes... I'd much rather watch an angry cook teach me how to make dinner), they criticize her appearance, (they sound like a group of snotty high-school girls), they even try and tarnish her husband. Think about how the kids treated "Carrie" in Stephen King's novel/movie.... this is essentially the language, and implications thrown towards Rachael Ray.
I think many women see Rachael as a threat, because men find her attractive, yet she doesn't adhere to so many of those principles that they've spent their lives worshiping, whether it be fashion, or simply being able to have a beer with the boys. It irritates them because she's breaking their rules. Rachael is a Tom-boy of sorts I think....while holding firmly onto very feminine qualities. (I can just hear the women saying, "That bitch" "That whore" "She thinks she's so great")
There is also a group that seems to think that a real "chef/cook" should be fat. So Rachael Ray is apparently too thin to cook and eat. (oddly enough there are several posts.... by the h.s. snot types calling her fat) There's this thing called Physical fitness... if they have questions perhaps they can find something in Wikipedia. Granted some of us were more blessed than others... but, if you want, you can have your cake and eat it too. I think I'd want to look good if I were a TV personality.
Oddly enough when I was searching for Rachael Ray info I found these two links with Men's magazines references. Not reading Men's magazines myself (I just criticized Cosmo... who am I to call the kettle black) I was unaware Rachael would be discussed in these. I guess it just goes to prove my point that men dig RR.
Ask Men rates Rachael 80 in their top 99 women.
So she has a smile like the Joker.... she's the one laughing all the way to the bank.
And FHM (another men's mag) pictures of Rachael... ooh la la... didn't know she had it in her.
A quote:
"My life came out way better without me planning it." -Rachael Ray, on her success.
A woman after my own heart.... planning schmanning!!!
Here is an article by a woman defending Rachael Ray.
Monday, November 27, 2006
In Defense of Rachael Ray
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:19 PM
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