Thursday, November 30, 2006

Random links...The Pop Queen unravels (literally and figuratively)

Well kids.... I couldn't afford to get a turkey this year, so I just thought.... Awww come on stop you're bawling, all she ever did was take up space and spew out hot air.

Super cooled liquid water at minus 30 degrees. That's some pretty fascinating stuff.... it doesn't even seem possible, although I'm certain it has to do with air pressure and the gas composition of the atmosphere at higher levels.

I guess you know you are out of touch when there is an article like this one, and you realize that you couldn't name a single Jay-Z song if your life depended on it. The only Jay-Z I ever wanted to here was the Grey album, a "Danger Mouse" remix of a Jay-Z album and the Beatles "White Album". Critics who did hear the album said it was great, however Apple silenced it before it spread to much into the populace.

Funnily enough it was just a few days ago and I was talking to Kate about Britney (in regards to her divorce) and I mentioned that a couple years ago I predicted pretty much everything that was happening to her. The only thing that hadn't come true as of that conversation was Britney posing nude or doing porn. This latest development is about as close as you can get... and much faster than I anticipated.
Since she is a talentless hack, and her whole thing since her first single was always a semi smutty girl next door image (which broke down into full throttle white trash....). Paris made a career out of her ahem... "accidentally leaked skin flicks", however Paris is shrewd and lacks any moral conscience what so ever. Britney on the other hand doesn't strike me as incredibly bright. She has the intellect of a junior high student, because... that's probably about as much "legitimate" schooling she ever received; further more she led by puppet strings for many years by her mother, producers, record companies, etc. Now she has less direction which has been extremely obvious after a sequence of decisions so ridiculous.... that Jacko's attempt to purchase the elephant man's bones almost seems to make sense.
There is a chance this could all work out for her.... and continue to damage the psyche of American youth (as if Lohan and Hilton weren't enough bad news). There's also the possibility of a complete break down. Then again, Mom Spears could step in and talk some sense into her... of course previously it hasn't seemed to have a lasting effect.
This is what happens when you rank fame, fortune, and glamor (although its debatable whether Britney was ever glamorous) over education, responsibility, life experience, and decency. I wonder if Ma and Pa Spears lose sleep at night over the monster they created.... nah, I suppose they are too busy counting their money and planning how to use Britney's little sister for more funds. Perhaps they'll make improvements on the second try?
You know K-Fed isn't really as stupid as people take him for, con artists all over the world hope for an eight of his success.

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