Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Winter ailments

I woke this morning with a sore throat and a stuffy head and decided it was in my best interest to stay home. Hopefully my day in bed will have helped truncate the inevitable winter cold/flu, whatever it is that I have.

Work is hectic as ever, and I have to troubleshoot a problem with the assay I've been running which will be a formidable task. Today was probably the best chance I'll have for weeks to "be sick" or take a day off so I suppose the coincidence was good.

I had some hot & sour soup for supper and quite a bit of OJ. Hopefully that with another night of rest will put me in better shape tomorrow.

Problems in advertising

Ever see that Wendy's commercial where the premise is the worth of their dollar menu? The babysitter says she makes about six cheeseburgers an hour. I have no problem with that. Then a husband says to his wife, "You look like a million crispy chicken nuggets". OK, here's my problem with that. So the expression usually goes "You look like a million dollars", which is where the commercial is going with this I'm certain. BUT,... but, you get four crispy chicken nuggets for every dollar spent at Wendy's. If she indeed looked like a million crispy chicken nuggets, this would imply that she looks like $250,000. If you wanted to be a stickler for detail, you could include sales and restaurant tax. So, $250,000 * 1.06 = $265,000. (My those nickels and pennies add up!) So telling someone that they look like a million crispy chicken nuggets is actually a significant down grade from the old phrase. Really to be true to the phrase he should have said, you look like 4 million crispy chicken nuggets. Or to be absolutely correct (unless you are in one of those hard-core blue states with no sales tax): Honey, you look like 3,773,584.9 crispy chicken nuggets.

Well, tah tah for now.

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