Thursday, January 26, 2006

Yes, Could I get a Burkha that matches my glove?

So ask me this... why the hell, if you were being persecuted for outlandish behavior and your effeminate tendencies as a man, would you choose Bahrain of all places to "escape to"?

For those of you who are Nick Drake as well as Beck fans, check out Beck's website with the sound on. Unfortunately you can't download and save the files, but there is a streaming jukebox that contains covers of "Parasite" and "Which Will".

In the latest "we are all doomed news" While North America is having a warm winter Europe has plunged into a record cold spell. In Siberia, they have actually dubbed conditions a mini ice age. Climatologists have been predicting that climate change, both natural and that of human influence could cause a dramatic cooling of Europe over the next couple hundred years.
This weather is likely nothing more than a fluke, however it definitely has people talking.

Records fall as cold grips Europe

Millions in Georgia without heat

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