Head of the Democratic committee, Dean was on Jon Stewart tonight as his guest. Its laughable that even in this overwhelmingly left leaning Gen X studio audience that Dean's absurdity drew moments of disbelief and silence from Stewart and the audience alike. Now, of course the audience gave him a raucous applause where ever possible. However his democratic strategy to win... Wow. I mean it doesn't take rocket science, but honestly I'm not sure I'd let Dean drain the fry pit at McDonald's. He'd probably try and pour the oil into a plastic bag while its still hot, so he could fuel a brand new converted diesel car... burning his hands off and his feet in the process. Somehow, of course this would be Bush's fault.
Now don't get me wrong Bush really stinks on many levels but first, I'd like to point a few things out.
Dean... You can't run on removing the corrupt "Republicans". Why? Well for starters the GOP may be the hippest thing in political sleeze, corporate scandal, partisan politics, and redistricting for votes, but the Donkeys wrote the friggin book! And don't believe for a heartbeat that these people are gone! Dean, you, I don't think are corrupt, you are too much of a glue sniffing idealist, but I can't help but imagine Hillary, Teddy, Boxer, amongst others shifting uncomfortably even though they might be cheering you on. Dean... I can't believe there was a time when I actually liked you. I guess that just shows you what I think about Bush. In actuality Dean has one thing in common with Bush. Both of these politicians tend to have crazy ideas about reality, and both, no matter how off base they are, truly believe the crap they spew out.
Dean actually on the Daily show brought up free travel by Republicans on tax payer dollar (Tom Delay... who resigned). All I've got to say is "don't go there" (said with Ricki lake hand sign). This is unfortunately a perk that nearly all congressmen & women receive. I'm not defending Delay... I've been craving for his removal for years. Delay went above and beyond the normal realm of corruption, and his problems have not concluded by a long shot. But I think I can sum up why democrats shouldn't touch the corruption issue... Especially regarding abuse of tax payer $$ for leisure with one term: Travelgate.
If you are going to go the corruption route, stick to the deception about the war. Its easy, it invokes passion, and passion wins elections. The rest of the stuff is out there and people will keep it in mind.
So back to the Dean plan for Victory... attack Bush on the economy. Problem is, the economy is doing quite well all things considered. Actually if anything, even though I'll be glad to see W gone, the resilience of the American economy through 911, two wars, Katrina & countless other natural disasters, is nothing short of miraculous. But the gas you say..... Don't believe for one second that the price of gas is ever.. EVER... going back down. We've finally caught up to the rest of the world, and guess what, our expensive gas... Is STILL cheaper than what they've been paying for the past ten years. If you want to attack W on this... don't try and go the economic policy route, Democrats, come on stick to what Gore... and even Dean has spouted in the past, because now more than ever, it is relevant. CONSERVATION, CONSERVATION, CONSERVATION... and don't focus on packaging it as staving off the global warming, even though that is the traditional democratic stance. Make it about terrorism, IT IS YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY... use less gas, give less money to the middle east. Its freaking ELEMENTARY my dear. And you get the added bonus of saving money and being efficient. How can we support our troops? Use less gas. How can we at home help fight our way towards the end of this war? Use less gas. Al Qaeda is funded to a great extent with oil money.
Another thing... DEMOCRATS... Reality check please. I want this congress and this administration taken down a notch because I think they have been reckless, so please do this right.
First reality check: The polls are crap. That's right you heard me. I'm agreeing with Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. Don't think for a heartbeat that these people below the mason Dixon line will switch teams because of a little botched foreign policy, death, and corruption. All that matters to them is who is pro choice, anti-gay, supports teaching creationism, and was truly moved by the Passion of the Christ. Now there is about a 95 % chance if you are even a independent, let alone a democrat, NONE of these political stances apply to you. When you are out campaigning... preach family values, faith, respect, but don't get specific on these issues if you aren't running in a major city. If you do, you might as well just kiss the campaign good bye.
There is an excellent chance that in New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, California, Connecticut, Rhode Island, that instead of the typical 65% of people voting for democrats, it may be 75%. But guess what? That doesn't give you sh*t because you already have those seats!
SO Why the hell do I have to get accosted by some damn college kid in Central Square asking me to help get democrats elected! Not to mention many Massachusetts democrats (Kennedy, Kerry>>although I don't think this is their election year) are as bad as any of the republicans, so why should I want to help. AND they'll probably run unopposed. Additionally folks like Kennedy could go on a killing spree and people would still re-elect them.
Democrats... why are you wasting your resources in states that you already are going to take?
And why for the life of me... can't any of your people have solid ideas. Dean, your ideas were crap, vague, wishy washy, feel good bull sh*t. You'll get the choir behind you, but guess what, you need the entire congregation.
The balance of power changes that have been made are perhaps one of the most frightening issues about W's reign. This has gone unmentioned. The Bush Administration's disregard for the rules needs to be focused on. It is widespread, be it the disregard for the Geneva convention, increasing warrantless wire tapping, or leaking the identity of CIA agents. It needs to be expressed that even things done for good intentions, can result in horrifying consequences. This administration lives in the moment, weather it be their fiscal policy, or erosion of civil liberties to fight terrorism. Given the right circumstances these irresponsible changes WILL come back to haunt us, that is if they haven't already.
I hate to say it but I think the biggest upset this November isn't going to be the landslide victory of Democrats indicated by the polls, but the small margin of seats that will be picked up. The Senate may go democrat... but realistically it already is since there are several republicans who are leftists there. The house I predict will remain republican, although I think they'll have a decreased headcount.
Worst case scenario in my mind is the following. Actually let me set this up. I want change. America needs change, we need fresh faces who haven't succumbed to the dark side. Logically to do this, Democrats will have to win. My worst fear: The democrats plan will not be, "Change America". There will be no new "Contract with America" (which was possibly the greatest and most successful domestic political achievement of my lifetime). Instead the democrats will do what they do best, they will make bad times worse by SPENDING SPENDING SPENDING. Our vetophobic president won't touch them. Since the populace always heaps credit onto the president the deficit, even worse than those that came before will be Bush's fault. Instead of doing the responsible thing and improving our government, they will do everything in their power to make Bush look as bad as possible to try and lock up a Democratic spot in the White House, even if it means sabotaging the lively hood of us common folk. When programs aren't going well, they'll them underfunded, even though it will have triple the previous funding. Then they'll easily paint a picture of greed over the GOP. Republicans don't care about education, old people, Medicare, you name it. Everything that is currently wrong with our Congress will be amplified.
This is why I support the seemingly absurd idea of voting against EVERYONE, regardless of party, who is already in office. Complete turnover. At this juncture, I think it is the only hope for salvation, and it will NEVER happen.
Well... wasn't that sunny :D
Have a wonderful day!
Hey you know? I'm a bit excitable myself......
Monday, May 15, 2006
Howard Dean is an excitable Idiot
Posted by George N. Parks at 11:29 PM
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Wow... I wrote this? What an incoherent piece of crap.
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