Monday, May 01, 2006

I'm Baa-aack......

I had a fabulous Vacation with Kate, and a nice visit with Jason.
Miami was great, as was my airboat ride, the sox game, and Busch Gardens.

As the Yankees game is currently on, I'm relaxing and taking that in. How about getting Doug Mirabelli back eh? Far Out!

Anyway... I have a ton to write about, however I do want to illustrate (I need to process some pictures) and devote some quality time to it. So that being said, stay tuned to a couple of installments of my adventures.

For the time being... Check out this roast of W by none other than Colbert, the article explains (Yes Bush really had Colbert come to his correspondence dinner and deliver this mocking speech to his face... is someone in the administration going to get fired?)

Bush pokes fun at himself at dinner


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