This is one of 3 cans of PBR left over from the 18 pack I bought a few weeks back. Turns out, I apparently like cheap assy beer more than I anticipated.
I still am coughing fairly frequently. No rest for the weary. It hasn't been that I haven't been doing the rest, heavy liquids and chicken soup thing either... It just hasn't worked all that well. Perhaps the PBR will serve as the antidote for this poision bent on filling me with mucus madness.
Mmmmmm.... Mucus.
I managed to do the dishes and some other housework today which had fallen to neglect due to my summer's eve ailments. After, I went into Boston and caught the end of K.T. Tunstall and all of Guster's free show at the Hatch shell. It was WBOS's annual "earthfest". I've been to several of them now through the years, this was by far the most people I've seen out for one of the free shows. The amount of people reminded me of the fourth of july as people were still thickly gathered beyond the snack stands behind the main grassy area. It took me about 15 minutes to walk through the crowd from the Hatch shell to the back of the grassy area, which is where I camped out stategically next to a lamp post. During the first half of Guster's act it wasn't uncommon to see (by my count) five kids body/crowd surfing at a time. Guster actually told the crowd to stop throwing water bottles in the air between songs. The lead singer said, "I realize you probably think you're recycling by throwing the bottles, but can you please recycle them by putting them in bins instead". Whatever he said seemed really witty at the time, and I'm probably robbing it of this essence in re-telling it. Most of the crowd actually cheered this comment, myself amongst them. This actually seemed to help as very few were thrown for the next half hour. The crowd mellowed until what became Guster's closing song (I believe unintentionally- There was NO encore) which was "The Beginning of the End" from "Ganging up on the Sun". It was the sort of an ideal song to shut down the show, but I fully believe there may have been more if the crowd had been more controlled. They went nuts on a final guitar solo and must have emptied about two water bottle bins, chucking them all in the air and it rained down like confetti. Instead of the typical "Thank you very much, you guys have been great", the lead left the stage with exasperated, nervous laughter saying "Come ON you guys!!!" and then never came back. The crowd was mostly harmless I suppose (as long as half full bottles of water don't hurt too much when they rain down from twenty feet in the air) but I can see the irritation of the band and the organizers with this being an "Earthfest". Guster put on a good show overall... I'm never usually a overly enthusiastic fan of the free concerts because they draw a lot of crowd gasers, and non fans, and I feel it robs a bit when there are many people who aren't giving the music the appreciation or attention it deserves. But it is free, and it was beautiful out, so I can't complain too much.
So I found this really funny SNL sketch on youtube....
As it turns out, it is only sort of funny, and I just posted it because Scarlett Johansson is in it, and ummmmmm... I've got nothing.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Drinking a Pabst... sitting in the boxers...
Posted by
George N. Parks
10:54 PM
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Hey george -- i came here via Universal Hub and just wanted to say hi. Glad you had a good time with the gusters yesterday...
i saw them recently and there was crowd surfing during "Brazil." Ryan miller said "I think that is the first time in this song's 105 year history there has been a mosh pit and crowd surfing done to it. Way to modernize people! nicely done!"
your comments on PBR brought a smile to my face. A couple summers ago we spent 3 weeks camping on a farm on mt. desert island, and the local townie friends we were staying with kept PBR in a plastic bag submerged in Jordan Pond in the deep woods. We fished it out, and enjoyed it while jumping off cliffs into the water. good times.
cheapassed beer was the rule that summer. i was unemployed, my husband underemployed, my friends working for the parks service getting paid crap... but the PBR made us all happy.
Three weeks on Mt. Desert Island...Sounds Great! I've been meaning to get back up there as I haven't been since I was a wee lad.
Moshing to Brazil must have been something to see... just some spirited gyrations at this particular performance of the tune. (Maybe a couple bottles tossed)
My PBR was leftover.. (which i may have mentioned already) from a visit from a friend. He's a fan of the Pabst, so I went out and got some, although my plans of getting a 6-pack were thwarted when it only came in quantities of 18. After some minor grumbling I decided "What the hell... It's only $9!"
Now I drink less frequently than I used to, and I must admit... as "hip" as the retro beer revival may be, I usually submit to my beer snobbery and get an import or some obscure microbrew. So... when I was left with about 14 cans of PBR, I was very skeptical of how long it would be cluttering the fridge.
I polished off the last one today after helping a friend move into another unit in my building... then proceeded to zonk out until 9:30.
Ahhhh.... summer days.
What's the story with BNL these days? I used to really enjoy their antics, but it seems they've been out of the lime light for a while. I suppose it's a different era now... I've been contemplating all weekend, for good or bad, how quickly the years are speeding on by!
Thanks for the post amusings_bnl!
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